Like how this turned out but think maybe there's a lil too much empty space.Tried to fill it in with the bathroom as best I could.
Sparky was 15 and a Charmeleon now. He'd gotten bigger and stronger and he could do all kinds of things with his fire now. He'd learned quite a lot. Math, science, history, reading and all of that. All the typical teenager things. But of course he was lacking one skill most teens his age had. Toilet Training. While it hadn't been a big deal when he was little it had become a bit more of one for Sparky as he got older. He started to get picked on and things hadn't been going so well. Though Sparky wasn't sure how he felt about it he decided to try and get out of diapers. He still didn't always have a good idea of when he had to go though. So he couldn't just ditch his diapers and slap on a pair of underwear. Instead he'd gotten training pants and started training. He felt like even more of a hatchling though now than he had when he was in diapers though. Well when he was in them during the day. The training pants could hold an accident or two but they'd never last a night. So Sparky still needed to wear diapers at night time. His parents had supported his decision though both warned him that it might not be possible. It wasn't just that he'd liked diapers before and still did. It was that he just didn't have control really. Well he kind of did. If he paid close attention and focused on it he could keep himself from going. But he still didn't know when he had to go and he couldn't keep holding it at all times regardless. At first he'd opted to try holding it and going to the bathroom every hour. But running to the bathroom every hour just wasn't practical. Not in the least. And even still he kept having accidents. Even with his parents helping and giving him reminders. Something that again made him feel even more like a toddler.
Sparky had been out in the living room watching something on TV and wasn't really paying too close attention. Suddenly he felt a few warm spurts and gasped trying to stem them and hold it. He got to his feet and ran down the hall towards the bathroom. But it was not use. As he ran he felt the trickle turn into a stream and came to a stop standing in front of the bathroom as the warmth spread through the front of his training pants. Sparky sighed looking down as he Poke'ball dry signs had mostly vanished due to his latest accident. This was the second one today and it was barely past noon. Sparky shook his head and trudged into the bathroom. If he had a potty chart the entire thing would be wet signs at this point he was sure. Hard as he tried he just couldn't keep dry. His thoughts drifted to his diapers back in his room as he stripped off the soggy training pants and took a seat on the toilet to see if he could go at all in it. He sat there despondently as he looked down at the toilet which seemed to have dominated his life of late and wondered for the umpteenth time if it was worth all this effort. Wondered if anyone else went through this. Maybe. After all they did make these training pants in his size and the diapers. Evidently he was far from the only teen in diapers. Maybe there were even others at his own school being stealthy about it. Sparky didn't know but he wondered. Maybe it would take someone not being so scared about their Potty Problems to find others in the same boat. Maybe it was time he quite this stupid potty business and went back to what worked for him.
Well hope you guys enjoyed the pic and the lil story. ^^ One more to go with my lil Charmander/Charmelion/Charizard. ^^
training pants
pull ups
2 years ago
09 Feb 2023 05:11 CET
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