He wanted something with Deepak being all giant and paws... and well, who was I to ignore that oppertunity to draw Deepak being all huge with some nice squishy paws? *chuckles* ;P
In any case, I hope you like it!! >w<
*Also, Inkbunny version has the full-res + OG sketch. ;3
Omg!! This looks amazing!! You're so awesome, I love it!! Thank you so much!! 😍
Yes, Dupe's definitely gonna inhale some lovely incense fresh from the paws 🐾 He shall become one with the gorgeous pair of pads! Love Deepak's expression too! So adorable!! ❤️
Omg!! This looks amazing!! You're so awesome, I love it!! Thank you so much!! 😍 Yes, Dupe's definit
Heh~ Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it! Had a lot of fun working on his paws (and the cutie himself of course! X3).
And thanks! I tried my best to capture his expression from the show as best as I could but I think it worked out well enough. And yeah, Dupe's going to become well-aquinted to them, by which I mean: He'll soon smell just like Deepak's musky paws. *chuckles* ;P
Thank you very much! >w<
Heh~ Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it! Had a lot of fun working on his paws (and the cutie himself
You really have caught Deepak's expression just right ^^
Oghh hohoho I'd like nothing better than to smell like the zen pupper's footpaws uwu ❤️❤️❤️ wouldn't mind becoming his footrest too after his stressful adventures.
You're most welcome! I hope we do this again sometime!
Awww I'm flattered! No pun intended ofc x3 You really have caught Deepak's expression just right ^^