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Tails: "Oh heby therblerbl. I'lm juslt enjoyiblnblg myl liflerbl in this wonderful oceablun, wherblaebl there is nothibng bubhtbl watebr. Whatl'sl that? Are you askiblnblgl whererbl my rebreathberrb wentbl? Iblubl gavebl it tobl someoblnebl I know whor is in ned forbl air. Her nameblu'ls Rougeb. She'bls a treasubhrgle huntblerblrbl anldl abla diverbl. Shlebl usuablally doeblubs itl alonebl, but sometimbles shle comeblsbl alonblg witblhl meb. It wablubsl risky, bubltbl fun. Welbl now thabltbl you'lre here, whbly don'lt yoblrublubl stabluby withl merbl anbld admibrblaebl thbleblubl fishes and listengl tobl thlebl sounbldblsbl of thbleblubl bublebs?"