I'm really sorry for taking long to have uploaded this. Was intending to finish and upload this around later January. But had a bad weekend due to my father being hospitalized along with some financial worries on my end ^^'
But seeing as 2023 is the year of the rabbit (Which is also my zodiac sign :3 ) I plan to make it the year of drawing a good amount of very top heavy, ultra bosomy bunnies. (Including unveiling a new bunny OC in the works very soon X3 ) This piece I had in the works since Last August. But with how everything was going. Including October being the worst month ever. Still , Figured I'd finally get it finished and uploaded to kick off 2023 as my first busty bun piece =3
Seeing Susie here struggling to answer a strange (Or somewhat reasonable) Request involving getting to bury one's face between her rather impressive bulging bust. X3 I'm sure a lot of us would love that too~