I think you found an item that sells like hotcakes. I hope you are making a fair amount of money doing it, because I have enjoyed each and every one of them, and eventually want to commission my own.
I think you found an item that sells like hotcakes. I hope you are making a fair amount of money doi
Hehe, well, I'm not turning so rich with this, I'm not a great artist to charge a lot of money, and almost anyone would pay a lot for my artwork, but it is something of amount for can buy some art stuffs that I needed. You can ask for your mug when you want if you want one, hehe, here are the prices: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/243/1/7/commiss... There you can check also the prices for shipping.
Hehe, well, I'm not turning so rich with this, I'm not a great artist to charge a lot of money, and