Absolutely!!! You should overthink your career choice and write stage plays from now on! This is on the level of Shakespeare, Schiller and Monty Python combined!
I blame you for spilled coffee all over my desk! ;P
"And I think the dialog is just peak writing!" Absolutely!!! You should overthink your career choic
Absolutely!!! You should overthink your career choice and write stage plays from now on! This is on the level of Shakespeare, Schiller and Monty Python combined!
while we await the king of sweden award this masterpiece with the Nobel Prize in Literature, that's the place where we'll certainly found from now on:
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😊 ~~~ Quote: Absolutely!!! You should overthink your career choice and write stage plays from n
This is adorable, and I love how eager and excited she looks. I guess we know what treasure she wants out of this adventure! Her eyes are so pretty, and her hair is gorgeous and I'm excited to see what provoked such an eager response from her!
Seems Maddy approves of Zaiks' new look, too! This is adorable, and I love how eager and excited sh
Well, good to see Maddy's going into the magical fetish dungeon with the right attitude!
Damn it, girl, why are you always so adorable?! She is, too! I love the happy expression on her face, and the excitement in every line of her body. She looks amazing, too! Your coloring work on this is beautiful, and like Megan said, her hair is gorgeous!
Well, good to see Maddy's going into the magical fetish dungeon with the right attitude! Damn it, g