One of the rare times I'll ever upload something would be Lunar New Year in order to have the rest of the year have some flow of entertainment for me. Starting somewhere after all. I happened to find this gathering at an auspicious occasion rather joyous at that.
9 out of 10 times my counterpart is going to show up around me. It's just natural. And yes, Chinese New Yard celebration or not, he can at any time decide to dress as Xiang Yu. Because some days he wants to help put up red lanterns and some days he just looks like a warlord wants to go out and conquer Northeastern China and call it casual Friday. Look, it happens, there will be a trip to Old Navy and Armani Emporio in the future, moving on.
It's the year of the Rabbit (or Cat in Vietnam) so it was only to be expected that I'd have someone show up in this gathering. Robby being the most natural selection as red is the color worn during the new year celebrations to prevent the Nian from devouring villagers , livestock and crops. So him literally being there is good luck and following traditional festive colors.
Second verse same as the first, Jeffy, also a rabbit, and the only person I could think of that could contrast with Robby with him being gold and blue to Robby's white and red. Plus I THINK he's the older one of the two so I would like to believe he's chaperoning or partnered with him. And if that doesn't work, look he's a rabbit and damn adorable. Fight me.
[icon]SkippityPaps[/icon] This one was tricky. As he usually sits on his corner of Inkbunny and isn't exactly as talkative as ...actually I have no idea how talkative I was expecting him to be really. Was pretty sure he wouldn't even show up for an event like this til I went with a single fashion question and hear me out: HEAVENLY EMPEROR ITAMI HATO.
....given I had a full set of robes that color coordinated with his hair it apparently worked. And magically levitating jewelry helped seal the deal.
I would like to apologize to on Lollipop Butterscotch here. Not for the archaic red louts dress (Which suits and again, it's formal for the occasion.) Not for asking you to help with decorations which you are carrying as much as you possibly can..
....but I could only think of one hairstyle at the time literally the Sailor Moon hair buns and it just stuck. I solemnly promise on everything good and holy in the world I will do better in the future.
Ashley was easier to give an outfit to than I expected, as Chinese hair pins? Works. Red hair ribbons. Also worked. Giving her an outfit that's literally Himura Kenshin but the colors flipped? I have absolutely no idea how or why that works, but you know what? We went with that.
Jeremy I do so appreciate having him in this, as he comes as a set with ComfyTail. The rabbit and carrot Changshan there signifying that works for you. Plus if I need another set of hands for the Lion Dance, you're dressed well enough for it now
Finally, the little rabbit ComfyTail at the end has an outfit that was specifically picked out just for them. It being the Lunar New Year, it's modeled after Chang'e, the Goddess of the Moon in Chinese mythology , who also had a pet rabbit companion. Thus, her presence and attire is there literally to be honored, while bringing honor to all present.
Yes this is one of my various surprises out of no where. But I'd like to put some belief those present wouldn't take to minding too much.
Well first and foremost, you're welcome. I felt that if I included Comfy in this, then it was only natural you'd have to be in it as well. Plus group images entertain me, and I truly don't "need" a reason to keep myself entertained.
But I do give you my thanks for stopping by Jeremy~
glittertrimming ( ) Well first and foremost, you're welco
It's the year of the rabbit. So something like this was gong to happen inevitably after all. I could have just flipped a few coins or even rolled a crystalized D6 for fun, but ...I would rather just have had you picked out fo rthe image personally. do you truly realize how many bunnies there are on this site...
Forgive me for taking so long to reply. I usually am busy if at work then working on something. I normally get weekends off, and even then I'm only really 'online' on Sundays.
But you are welcome Jeffy Bun and have my thanks for popping by!
glittertrimming ( ) Ello Jeffy Bun Bun~ ^^ It's the year
Did...not expect you to pop by on this. Then again, I expect to not expect a lot of things , so it works out.
You're right. This did turn out rather well now didn't it? I have a literal triple digit number of these I eventually need to get around to uploading. ....eventually.
Sorry for the late reply. I'm usually at work and just get the weekends to myself. Even with that, I still am only really active online on Sunday. Best time to expect a reply from me a Sunday morning.
Still thank you for stopping by!
.....which does remind me.
you DO know Lem Lem Niscuit now don't you...
Once again, going to apologize for how long this took for me to get back to and give a reply to. Usually at work and only on Sundays do I have time for this.
"Not your typical style of dress." I'll have to keep that one in mind for next time. And yes, there will be a next time. (Though no one really thinks 'dress as Miss Hong Kong' on a regular basis..)
I happen to think it looks good. So there.
Truth be told, adding you to this had a bit of a stipulation to it. Simply because no matter who I picked for this image, you were going to be a part of it no matter what.
Maybe it's because of your name or even how I met you in the stream with my counterpart But you simply are someone I find a bit more entertaining picking on than everyone else...
VelvetSunset ( ) Once again, going to apologize for how long t
Oh my, well that's one heck of a surprise for sure! And I absolutely love the outfit! That's just unbelievably cute! I'm not even sure how I even got thought of seeing as that I'm super shy and quiet (except when I make music >w<). This also came exactly when I needed something to cheer me up a little! It's like you knew somehow. Any ways, I'm going to say THANK YOU but that doesnt quite feel sufficient enough, I will be remembering this and I may just return the gesture when I'm capable, wont be now cuz my drawing paw is broken for a few more weeks -_-.
I also never thought I'd see myself with this group of adorable furs but I'm super happy about that too so Thank You Again.
You can always poke me, send a PM, add me on tele or disc if u want! *hugs* ;.; Thank You I'm so happy right now <3
Oh my, well that's one heck of a surprise for sure! And I absolutely love the outfit! That's just un
The moment I put anyone on my watch list Then it's a 3 out of 5 chance they're going to get something from me. As you can see, you were on that list.
And if the Lion of Light decides on getting someone for someone Then it will simply and unobjectively happpen.
Besides. I do happen to check galleries and when I see a lack of uploads or even if the mere idea of getting something for someone amuses me, then I'll do it. You seeming to need it moreso as.. I'm hearing about a broken paw.
....repaying me won't be necessary mind you. The thought is appreciated, but there's a saying by Confucious:
"He who understands is not better than he who appreciates. Yet he who appreciates is not better than he who enjoys."
I did it because it was fun. And that's all the reason I really needed.
If that isn't sufficient enough, then it's also because I've been on this site for 12 years now.
Consider this a gift from your senpai.
kirakirarose ( ) Itami chan. Itami chan The moment I put any
Oh gosh. Once again you catch me off guard with a beautiful surprise. Thank you!
The colours you picked for Robby are just wonderful. I sincerely hope you have a lovely new year and that the year of the rabbit brings you good memories ❤️
Oh gosh. Once again you catch me off guard with a beautiful surprise. Thank you! The colours you pi
Sorry fo rreplying to this so late. If I'm not working ten .. I guess I'm just working or working on something. But at least I can tell myself I'm being productive and not just busy.
First and foremost, you're welcome! as there's ..literally about 16 rabbits on this site from what I've just swept through and counted so far. I'm sure there's more, but like with Jeffy Bun, I decided to just straight up cherry pick.
Plus, it was a color scheme choice. You're red. For the holiday, your very existence was and is considered honorable and lucky. So this just was going to happen ^^;
That aside, you've my thanks for popping by to say.
Lets.. make this a better year than the last shall we?
glittertrimming ( ) Heya Robby Bun Bun~ Sorry fo rreplyin
And if you enjoyed it, then you're welcome oh Lollipop! ^^
I'll ask you forgive me for this late reply. I usually am working on the weekends. So the best chance you'll ever get a reply from me is on a Sunday afternoon/evening.
That said, as it's you..if you'd like to upload this or share it around, by all means, feel free too! If not, it's fine. Putting the option out there.
This way I can tell you Happy New Year, and allow you to have your cake
And eat it too~ :)
LeafletLeft ( ) And if you enjoyed it, then you're welcome oh L
As with the above, I'm going to apologize for this later reply. I usually am working throughout the week. I tend to only get weekends off and when I do, I'm usually working on something to keep myself productive. Best chances I have for replying and free time are on Sunday.
This one being considerably easier than the last as, I tend to make most of my group images centered around a type of theme. Holidays are quite literally the easiest. Picking the company also just as easy for me.
I'll either cherry pick them, use a number grid and a dart board.. Or just roll several D20s until I come up with who should show up. In either case it'll keep me entertained.
The outfits I place anyone in are going to be amazing. Pardon what will seem like boasting, but part of my motivation is owning stock in Armani Imporio, so coordination isn't even a remote problem for me.
Besides, I've been on this site a considerable bit longer than people realize. I simply have to remind myself I'm the Senpai to most of you, so I'll have you dressed as nicely as I feel should be reflected of me based upon that.
So why yes. Senpai actually does notice you.
NewYearCelebration1 ( ) Hello again Geekycoon! As wit