Astraligor was visiting Pandatilan, an embassy full of chinese-mexican pandas and Parinton is one of them, Paco was peacefully trying to train his kung fu moves and learing his "Mexican Karate" one of his collection of powerful martial arts moves, astraligor knew it was his birthday so he entered his house and said hi to him "hi paco, i hope you wanted a kung fu master for your birthday and here i am" confused but surprised, paco said to his old pal "astraligor? thank you for comming to my birthday party kung fu panda themed, i though i would see Po the Panda to train me but you'll fit like a glove, anyway, what will be my kung fu lesson Astraligor Shifu? it's master in chinese", "so you want to be my learner, am i right?", "yes!", "then i'll be your master *astraligor goes to paco's bamboo garden* to your first lesson you'll need to break some planks", "that's kinda easy hiyaaa! *breaks all the planks* how'd you like that?", "impressive, then we'll do some kung fu montage" said astraligor while grabbing his radio, his phone and played kung fuu music while doing a montage of all karate, tae kwondo, giugitsu and many other martial arts skills, after a lot of training paco asked if astraligor wanted some cake and the brown fox boy accepted, the two had an amazing kung fu themed birthday party which they'll never forget.
======================================================================================= anyway, i wanted to do a kung fu themed artwork for my panda friend called pacopanda and if you're online right now, please consider watch me and fav all my artworks to support all the hard work i'm having while doing some art