I hit a deer , but wasn't my fault a truck with those ultra Brite blue head lights and the high beams on with a light bar all lit up I could not see anything I did feel the car hit something though and when I pulled off the road I walked back to find a poor doe and I think she was pregnant , I was so mad about it and the police didn't do anything about it, my car has around $8000. In damage to it and I can't afford to get it fixed, and yeah my insurance company won't help me out either.
I hit a deer , but wasn't my fault a truck with those ultra Brite blue head lights and the high beam
Well it's not all the deers fault,it's the driver in the truck in uncomeing traffic your to tune down the Brite lights when a car is coming twords you not turn on even briter lights , that's why I hit the deer.
Well it's not all the deers fault,it's the driver in the truck in uncomeing traffic your to tune dow