In a distant, unspecified future, Humanity faced many crises, yet many wonders were also discovered. Mankind discovered worlds beyond our own: The Multiverse. Leading an expedition: Dr. Julian Robertson lands on one of many worlds through a teleporter constructed by the Nacurans, as an invitation. The Wormhole is one of many gifts of the Nacurans, the other are the Power Rings, based on Nacura itself, a Ringworld.
Initially: Robertson would gladly work with the Nacurans, and use the Power Rings for Mankind's benefits. But, as he studies them further, he becomes obsessed, wanting to unlock their secrets and access to even more worlds beyond. Eventually, he relinquishes his flesh, becoming an immortal machine.
Julian Robertson is dead: Dr Robotnik was born!
Fearful of Robotnik's ambition, both humanity and the Nacurans jointly work together to create a genetically uplifted Hedgehog, one who can save mankind, the Nacurans and the Multiverse.
Sonic The Hedgehog is born!
With the help of both the humans and the Nacurans, Sonic understands and wields the Power Rings, allowing him to control time and jump to worlds. When wielding all nine of the Power Rings, he can wield more awesome powers, but only as a last resort.
Still, Robotnik caught wind of this and dispatches his drones to hunt him down, take the Power Rings and "Unlock" The Multiverse. In and out of Robotnik's boundaries, Sonic also uses the Rings to sneak by and destroy his factories.
Ultimately, Sonic faces off with Robotinik in his mechanized, monstrous form: The fate of Life, The Multiverse, and Everything hangs in the Balance.
If Robotnik wins, he uses Sonic and the Nine Power Rings to unlock The Multiverse, inadvertently dooming everyone in each universe. A self-fulfilling prophecy who thought he could save his race would end up dooming them all.
If Sonic wins, Robotnik realizes he was wrong the whole time. He pleads Sonic to destroy him, which the last reluctantly accepts, sacrificing him to save everything from Robotnik's wrong doing.
The story ultimately ends with Sonic using the nine Power Rings to jump to many worlds and strikes the iconic pose as seen in the original Sonic Game. Though not after he visits Robotnik's grave baring his original name: Dr. Julian Robertson.
"For the man who has everything, should he use them for everyone."
Sonic pays his respects to his enemy he slain.