has been in my life since i was a junior in college. We would talk about everything and after a while I asked them to be my pet which they said yes to. We made so many happy memories during that time and I felt we would be friends forever. Then as time went on we drifted apart, we just didn't click anymore and I think we had a falling out? Hard to remember the specifics about that. I moved on and Went about my life, but I missed my furry friend who I would text daily and who would randomly send me gifs that made me both laugh and groan. It was the first time I felt real sadness over loosing an online pet
After not talking to them for a year I reached out and reconnected with them, which has changed my life. It was like a weight off my shoulders to talk to them again and man did it help with my final year in school! We talked more and more and eventually they opened up to me about being trans, about their desires to grow but how they felt they couldn't due to where they lived. They wanted to move someplace but didn't know where. I told them to apply to a college up where I live, Michigan, and they got accept to University of Michigan! They moved up here and over time transformed froma timid bunny to a very strong bunny daemon!....who really likes having her chin scritched ;3 As time went on I saw her less and less as a pet and more and more like a brother, like family<3
She asked me once why I want to call her my little bro sometimes instead of like little sister. I told her its because i'm the only one who can call her that. I remember helping her through all her trama about going through the change and how she said I anchored her to this world at times and how she looked up to me as her big bro. I call her little bro not because she is a boy. But because she is a cute and precious perso to me. Someone I consider family and love with all my heart. I am the only one who she will let call her little bro, and I will cherish that for all of eternity. When she heard that she teared up a bit and asked what I wanted for christmas. I said I wanted a pic of us as big brother and little brother.
So thats the story of this pic and the two brothers in it. The older wolf is myself always looking out for my little brother. The younger wolf is my little brother jay, the crazy pup who bounces off the walls and sometimes befuddles their words but hugs the hell out of me when I get home and always wants me to hold him or cuddle him to calm them down. This pic means so damn much to me.
Thanks for reading all of this if u made it this far ^^ <3