Character Sheet for Reserved Heart Mouse
Character Description
Name: Kim Mikoto. (Care Bear cousin form Name:Reserve Heart Mouse)
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Race: Human, Asian American
(Care Bear cousin form Race" Mouse)
Description: Kim is a 5'5 tall Asian American girl, with light tan skin, medium length raven black hair, she has brown eyes and where's glasses. She mostly keeps to herself, in her spare time she likes to read and study any type of topics she finds interesting. She's especially fond of anime and is a secret otaku, collecting figurines, manga, and when she's by herself she will cosplay. Due to her recent interest in the activities of the care bears, she joined a forum with like-minded individuals who also takes interest in them. One such person was a scientist who goes by the name of Roy Baker.
( Her Care Bear cousin form Description:
In her other form, she is a 3'5 tall Mouse with light blue eyes,white highlights in her hair and paws. She resembles cherry blossom leaves in color.)
Job: Kim is an intern for a very famous science facility. Due to her smarts and Keen interest in the Care Bears, the head scientist Roy offered her an internship and possible job related to a special project.
Talent and special abilities: Kim is pretty smart and a good problem solver. Given a little time she can work out most problems and find a solution. ( In her other form, she's still a good problem solver and smart, and now she has the addition of the cousin call, a magical beam of feeling and love that shoots from her tummy symbol. This is standard for any Care Bear or Cousin. She also has the addition of a handy spell book. Her mom's side of the family were shrine maidens. Having a deep connection to spiritual entities. Some stated that they dealt with yokai and other evil and mischievous spirits. They would use shikigami and talismans to ward off the evils.)
Background: Kim recently moved out of her parents house to live on her own. Kim was born in the United States, but her mother moved from Japan, meeting her father who was a well built White man. He is an electrician and a repairman. The two fell in love and had Kim as a result. Kim is a fluent speaker in both English and Japanese, she defaults to speaking English most of the time but when she gets really excited or really upset she might slip into Japanese. Currently she is working as an intern at the Facility of Evolution. A well-funded science facility that works on the next big step for humanity.