Character Sheet for Talon Lardner
Character Description
Talon Lardner is, in many ways, an average Ratling. He is around the average 5'5" height of his species, average lean weight, wears the normal clothes of his society composed of blue jeans, faded black t-shirt, and worn-out sneakers. He is in every way normal. Normal seems to many to be such a dirty word, though. Many would want the rodent to stand out somehow to the colorful, flashy world around him; to make himself known and stand out from the crowd.
But Talon likes being blended in to his surroundings. Chalk it up to prey instincts, but being normal is a very calming experience to Talon. Being normal helps bring out the positives of such a drab existence. He does not call out attention to himself, which can have many unfortunate negative effects. After all, being of a prey species can be quite dangerous.
Besides, once you get to know Talon, he can prove to be far from normal. He's quite the geek at heart, loving video games, sci-fi movies, classic rock, most anything with hidden depths he will love to explore. He just needs the right person to break him out of his shell, and he'll blossom like a jungle flower. He has been burned before by opening up, but he is reluctant to bring up his past.
Likes Soda, Classic Rock, Cars, Meeting new people
Dislikes coffee, overhyped webcomics, bullets to the head
Modern setting, though fits in everywhere