It's the End of the year, and i Almost forgot to do a Recap Video!!!! I had to quickly record everything and put it all together, so I don't have any Stories about the artwork I made in the videos too much. Holy Hell It's been a hell of a Year with a Lot going on. Mental and Physical health garbage, and a lot of House stuff that we have to work on right now. We suddenly gained 4 more cats this year. A lot of big stuff happened.
Dear Past Me: -reads last year's notes- AHAHHAHA, Oh nooo. Past me, You started to grow a few trees successfully. As for Art sites, This year was absolutely NASTY for art sites. Many sites adopted horrifyingly strict rules and then nuked themselves in the beggining of the year, and then the bigger names like deviantArt and Artststation decided to Throw artists under the bus in Favor of Ai generated content (and NFTs in DA's case as well). You've removed TWO whole art galleries, because you couldn't trust them to keep you content safe. They opted everyone IN to have the art accessibly via AI instead of auto-marked for opt out. And Then DOubled down. You watched the Livestream of DA and even recorded it: It was Baaaad. This was a TERRIBLE year for artists.
Dear Future Me: I would like to see at least one more Vtuber model made. I really like them even though they're a lot of work. Also, I would like to go on more walks than I have fingers this year. last year I didn't get enough. Walkies Please. Ark Ark Ark!!! Future me, You have to tell me a Story of something you really loved the next year. It can be about anything you want as long as you absolutely loved it