There where times when Ronald Wesley couldn't believe just how well he had lucked out in life. Married to the love of his life who had also been a good friend (and was bloody brilliant to boot) and having a wonderful daughter (well, as wonderful as a 18 month could be) and being friends with the golden child himself, yeah he had lucked out.
Since both Harry and Hermione had both proven to be smarter then him and tended to have better plans then him Ron had more or less learned to stop arguing with the pair whenever they came up with a new plan, and it was part of why they were living so well after starting up a few different business ventures and knowing when to sell.
However as he sat in the living room with them and explained out their latest plan, Ron had only one thing on his mind and didn't have the social skills to keep from blurting said thought out.
Hermione rolled her eyes and reached into her purse, fishing out a five pound note and handing it over to Harry who pocketed it then she explained.
"First of all, we're not high, on Mushrooms or anything else. secondly, Harry bet me that would be what you'd say, and thirdly, it's a good plan Ronald!" She huffed and made Ron winced slightly.
Much like his mother Hermione only used Ronald over Ron when she was less then pleased with him.
"how is bloody 'Arry shrinking down and acting like a bratty toddler for a weekend while your at your parents with rose a good idea?" Ron asked, a look of honest confusion on his face.
"Because, you've been the one going on and on about how worried you are about having a toddler going though their terrible twos in the house. If you can handle a weekend with me bratting out, then you'll be able to survive anything." Harry said, grinning ear to ear and taking a sip of the pumpkin juice that Ron had poured a glass of for everyone.
"..This is just a away for you to get babied while you and Draco are on a break isn't it?" Ron asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Ron! I'm hurt you could ask that!" Harry said, a mock look of pain on his face before giving a bratty grin. "It can be both that and preping you!"
Ron rolled his eyes, everyone knew that after school he'd gone full on little after graduating, balancing it between his job till their wealth had made work a moot point. Harry had also hired Draco Malfoy to work as his full time nanny and for awhile it had blossomed into a romance, though apparently Draco had only been able to put up with being woken up with a dirty diaper butt in his face so many times. He'd made it clear he'd only come back if Harry could tone down the brattyness which anyone who knew what Harry could be like once his butt was in diapers.. knew that was asking the impossible.
He'd also spread tales of what a nightmare Harry could be and so most other sitters were hesitant to take on the job, despite the awesome pay.
"Right.. Look I'm 'honored' that you both came up with this idea but let me make it crystal clear: I am not doing this and no amount of browbeating or threats will change my mind." Ron said firmly, crossing his arms and glaring at the pair.
12 hours later, Ron stoop on the front steps of his and Hermione's house, waving bye to her and rose as the pair got in the back of a cab, packed and ready for their weekend away. He could only wave bye with one arm though as the other was under the pampered behind of a now pint sized Harry.
The boy who lived was dressed in a pair of black shorts that did nothing to hide the disposable nursery print diapers under his bottom, and a light red t-shirt. On his feet were a pair of red socks (sneakers hadn't been needed since Ron wasn't planning on letting him run around the yard) and he waved bye bye too.
"Can I just mention, before we get started.. Just how much I hate you both?" Ron asked, smiling but keeping his voice low, so that only the two of them could hear.
Harry just giggled and as the girls headed off, he gave Ron a BIG smirk.
"awww, don't be like that 'uncle Ron'! He said, as Ron carried the tiny hero inside. "You'll hurt my widdle feelings! 'sides, you got your way on one thing at least!"
The one thing that Ron had gotten his way on was the fact that Harry had wanted to wear (and use) cloth diapers and plastic pants while being babysit by Ron. the thought of poor Ron having to wash his stinky diapers had totally delighted him and Hermione had agreed it would of been cute and funny.
Ron meanwhile had pointed out they hadn't used cloth diapers for rose at all, so he'd be unfamiliar with them and it would eat up more of his 'learning time' with Harry the brat trying to master pinning them on. He also pointed out that he'd just go and buy more cloth diapers as needed and leave the little 'treasures' that Harry was sure to make for Hermione to wash when she got back.
The pair hadn't been happen but agreed to his points, Hermione more then Harry but knowing he was risking his bratty weekend the little terror had conceded.
"Aren't you going to make me suffer enough as is without adding in that hell? I've been to your nursery and despite your tiny size, I have no reason to believe your gonna smell any more pleasant now."
"Good call 'uncle Ron'!" Harry giggled and then said a sentence that had Ron wondering if he could get away with ditching Harry at a fire station.
"the potion I used makes my BM's smell even WORSE then normal!"
"Bloody hell.."
Ron took in the sight of his den, the one part of the house that he had total say over and could put whatever he wanted in it and had considered it his own little fortress away from Hermione when she got going on one of her high and mighty clause's that could have her be well, frankly a pain to put up with.
at one point it had housed loads of rare collectible figures from the 'Fantastic beasts and magnificent wizards' line of toys that Ron had gotten into (and of course Hermione considered a waste of time) and not to mention hoards of muggle comic books that harry had gotten him into, some rare then others.
His muggle tv was on a desk by a large dull red comfy chair and his smoking pipe and ash tray along with a pouch of wizards weed say on the desk. at least, that's what it all SHOULD of looked like.
Instead the plastic contained that had held the figures had all been smashed, the figures themselves had been taken apart and mixed and matched with each other then fused into place so there would be no way to fix them.
the muggle TV set and it's magic rabbit ears had been tugged off the desk and smashed opened while the wizards weed had been flushed into the loo that was in the small bathroom attached to the den, the pipe had been wash out and filled with soap and was being used to blow bubbles.
Bubble that were being blown as Harry mad use of a pair of scissors to start cutting up Ron's comic book collection into different pretty shapes after having tugged down the front of his shorts and nappy to piss in the seat of the chair.
Ron could only sputter and trying to find the words to talk, his face turning red with rage though as mad as he was with harry for totally destroying the den he couldn't help but be a tiny bit impressed.
"Oh Ron, when your as good as me.." Harry snickered, pulling the pipe out of his mouth and giving a impish grin. "well, your skill's are just legendary~"
"I.. You.." Ron sputtered, trying to calm himself down. there was a right way and a wrong way to deal with this and Harry WAS supp-
"Besides it's your own fault for not checking me for a wand before letting me roam around. Lock doors means nothing with one one these~" Harry said, holding up a smaller version of his current wand.
"...Harry, wasn't part of the deal NO magic from you at all while doing this since rose won't have any?" Ron asked, a vein in his forehead going big time now.
Harry froze, and then gave a nervous little laugh, having forgotten that he wasn't suppose to let Ron know that him and Hermione had decided this would be WAY better until she was back home and Harry was his normal size.
"Oh yeah.. Actually I'm just really good and this isn't really a wand, it's a stick I found on the way here an-" Harry squeaked out as Ron came over.
with one swipe of his arm he had the wand out of Harry's grip and put on a high shelf and then with anther he had Harry scooped up under a arm, walking him out of the den.
"RON RON WAIT!! REMENBER THAT YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO SUPER PUNISH ME!! IT'S PART OF THE AGREEMENT AN-" Harry was yelling as he kicked his little legs and started to soak his nappy.
"And I'd of kept to the agreement, to the letter.. if you had. This basically means all the rules are out the window." Ron said, sitting down on a wooden chair in the dining room and tugging the back of Harry's shorts and nappy down.
"W-what are you gonna do to me?" Harry whimpered.
"If we weren't still semi friend and If I didn't need you in piece piece to replace everything you just wrecked come Monday, I'd say do what Voldemort couldn't and end you. But since we're still friends.." Ron said and paused for effect, as Harry let out a small breath of relief.
"I'm just gonna tan your little backside so bad that every time you even THINK of being a little brat, it's gonna hurt." Ron finished and as you might of guessed, the wails and flailing started up again.
Harry was having ALL of the regrets as his tiny buns weren't NEARLY as durable as his bigger ones. he had assumed (Wrongly he knew now) that in the event Ron did spank him, he'd leave Harry's nappy on or at least he'd been able to handle it since he could taken Draco's full on rage mode spankings.
Of course unknown to harry, Ron had taken up tennis lately and put a lot of work into his arms as a side effect while the closet to a arm work out Draco got was jacking off.
He was sure his buns where gonna be bruised now and the thought of a sitting in a smelly nappy with cheeks THIS sore suddenly had lost it's appeal, though Ron had made it clear that after then Harry would be getting the full on brat cleaning treatment... something that Harry himself normally loved when again.. Draco did it.
Said treatment meant that harry still had a half hour of time out time in the corner with a coin on his nose to make sure he didn't move and hands on his head, any butt rubbing mean the spanking would have to be 'freshen up' so to speak. (AKA restarted)
It also mean that while Harry was on time out Ron would have time to mix up a enema bag of oils, spice and hot water that Harry himself had come up that promised tons of cramping and gas, and worse of all: due to the magical natural of some of it Harry's butt hole was gonna clamp up after the nozzle was removed and no matter how much the little guy was gonna wanna let it all out.. he'd be waiting a hour before he could.
Add in he had 3 hours of smelly time out that would be served on a back porch that wouldn't start till Harry had finally stopped going (and the mixture could have him pooping for like 30-40 minutes!) and yeah, Harry was wishing big time he'd left his wand out of it.
As the last of the swats rained down on Harry's bottom and Ron tugged him up for a hug and a forehead kiss, Harry gave him pleading eyes and went to open his mouth to make a verbal plea.
"Harry, you and I both know if you try to beg this off you get a bar of soap in your mouth. don't you think you've dug yourself in deep enough?" Ron asked, looking amused.
One look at Ron's face told Harry that Ron was clearly hoping Harry would still try and speak up and for the first time in his after school career as a brat, Harry just shushed up like a good boy and let himself be carried over and put on time out.
"Awww look! you CAN be taught!" Ron snickered. "Funny isn't it? You were suppose to be teaching me.. but I think by the time this weekend is over your gonna be a good little boy and Draco will be happy to have you back." Ron commented, getting the coin in place and tugging Harry's soggy diaper up, getting a look of confusion from Harry.
"I don't want you weeing on the floor when I say this next part." Ron explained, then turned to go and leave the room, pausing at the door. "I'll be more then willing to give you anther attitude adjustment if you need one." He chuckled and then laughed louder as the famous fearless brat Harry potter.. filled the back of his diapers in terror.
As Ron left to go and mix up the enema bag he couldn't help but wonder that if this worked for giving Harry a little attitude adjustment.. would it do the same for Hermione.
The end.