The weight of the world is crushing me
Beneath the burden, I cannot see
The light at the end of the tunnel, it's far away
I'm trapped in darkness, lost in dismay
I try to hold on, to keep my head up
But it's hard to keep going when everything is messed up
I feel like I'm drowning, suffocating in sorrow
Wondering if there will be a better tomorrow
I take care of my Dad, I love him so
But sometimes it feels like the weight of his care is more than I can bear
I'm just one person, but I'm expected to do it all
To be strong and brave, to never fall
But I'm human, I have limits and flaws
And sometimes the weight of it all is just too much for me to hold
I feel like I'm breaking, like I'm going to fall
But I know I can't give up, I have to stand tall
So I keep fighting, I keep pushing through
Hoping that one day, my struggles will be few
I know I'm not alone, that there are others like me
Who feel the weight of the world, but still find the strength to be
But for now, the pain is real, the sadness too
And it feels like the weight of it all will never subdue
But I hold on to hope, to the belief that things will get better
I know that the sun will shine, and my life will be freer
So I keep going, one day at a time
Hoping that eventually, this burden will be mine to leave behind
And though it's hard, I know I'm not alone
We all carry the weight of the world, but we are strong, we have grown
And one day, we'll find the strength to rise above
To leave the weight behind and find the love
That has been there all along, waiting for us to see
So hold on tight, and don't give up, because the best is yet to be.