Commission from, be free to check his adorable butt ! It is a direct sequel to set a few hours later. You can spot a lot of details from the previous scene : the furniture, the fake gifts under the tree, the sandwich, the biscuits, Fiona's babybottle spilling...
But before everything, Merry christmas to all ! The clock will ring 12 soon here in France, so enjoy this little gift and especially my family of choice.
The uno game has finished and all the 6 padded butts in the household got a change before bed. But the three puppy ones wanted to be there to see the craft fox Santa Paws, but they couldn't last forever. All asleep (and likely wet by now), Fiona, Loupy and Snow were unaware of what was happening around them. Peggy and Tyler were sneaking around them with all the sneakyness their own padding allowed to put the gifts under the tree. But suddenly, the pizzly started to move around and drop his pacifier, and the adult dog got really afraid she had crinkled too loudly...