"Uh, Sonic?"
Switching his glances from left to right repeatedly, The Blue Blur's Grin didn't fade as the two foxes in the room looked each other up and down. "Yeah Buddy?"
The clothless one scratched His Head, Looking Confused. "...Who is that, And why do they look like Me?"
Sonic then took the chance to stretch, All while His grin grew. "Thought you'd NEVER ask!"
And like that he was gone, Zooming over to The Clothed Twin and Putting an arm around Him, Said Fox looking a Bit annoyed by this. "Tails my Buddy...Meet Nine! He's a...Well, You basically, from another dimension; You know, The Shatter stuff?"
Tails slowly nodded, Quick to understand. "Y-Yeah...?"
"Well, He's basically from there! And He's is one of maiiin few whose helped me out!" By this point, Nine was Growling, Already tired of being held close as he tried to get out of the grip. "He's Grumpy, Cute, Rude, Solo, and Just as good with tech as Yo-Ow!"
Pulling away, Sonic rubbed his eye. "Did You Really have to do that Nine?"
Nine shrugged, His "Tails" doing the same. "I told You I don't like being hugged for that long."
"It wasn't even a Hug!"
Sonic sighed and shook his head as the then moved over to Tails next, "And this is my NICER original Bestest bud for all life, Tails Miles Prower!"
Sonic could feel the taps on his right arm. "S-Sonicccc! Did You have to say my full Name?"
Sonic giggled at the hits, They felt so nice! "Hehe, Sorry Bud. I just wanna give my Bud the best introduction!"
As Tails pouted and stopped his punches( which emitted another giggle from sonic) He raced back to the middle, "Now, What that out the way...You may now Talk!"
And the room was quiet.
for like, three whole minutes... until Nine spoke up;
"So...Made Any Inventions?"
And Tails beamed up. "Yeah! Like this one thing I made, UT, A Universal Translator!"
Now Nine's eyes widened. "W-Wow...That's cool!"
"Oh Please, Your "Tails" are cooler! Works like extendable spider legs, I love it!"
"W-Well Thanks, Always nice to be complimented by...Ah...Yourself. Also Nice plane out there!"
"Oh, You mean the tornado? Thanks, I appreciate it, Tornado is one of my best ones, So any compliment toward it is great! Have you made one?"
"Well, I one plane...But it only worked with the Shards, So, It's probably gonna need some revamping in the future."
"Ah, No Worries! An Inventor must always take His time! A-And If you need some help with it, I'd definitely be eager to help!"
"Thanks, Tails! I am gonna need a lot of help on it, Considering the massive injuries and damages it got, So help would be appreciated!!"
"No problem Nine, and Maybe then You could talk to me more on Your Tails...Maybe? Like How it's done and what can it do in general?"
"Sure, No problem with that!"
Eyeing as the Two foxes walked out, Sonic pumped his fist in the air all victorious like.
Nine, A Secluded Loner fox...has Now made a friend.
Sonic couldn't help but smile at the sight.