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My Sonic IDW Comic collection version 2
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My NEW Sonic Boom Controversy Meme

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This the my new version of my Sonic Boom controversy meme. This is the same Meme by a deviantart named RedFlareTomboy. Too bad that meme doesn't exist anymore. Sorry if I recycles some things from my old meme due to my laziness. Boy, this is going to be a long description.

I was abit way too hard on some of the aspects and some details (even smaller ones) from the Sonic Boom episodes including Tails Crush. Heck I was also way too hard on Mech Suits Me episode and the suit itself (I'll admit the premise is good kinda flawed in execution when it comes to Perci and Staci) I felt confused due to some reviews/TV tropes/Wikia because they can be biased and manipulative. So please ignore the dishonorable mentions on my old meme and please ignore my least favorite episodes list on tumblr. And those old stamps too. I just wanna own up things about something I was wrong. yet one certain episode and one character that I never change my opinions and attitude about. I want to be a big/mature person about it and try my best to be calm too. Plus, not all metahumor is bad. It just needs to be done right. I really understand deep down that this cartoon is meant to be a lighthearted comedy slice of life (aka sitcom) with self aware humour and can silly too. Abit modern version of AOSTH (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog) in some ways and not meant to be taken seriously. the characters are really funny, tolerable and likable (except one). It sure has its own flaws but overall good.

About their games which many people and critics hate. I never hate the games, not even once. Sure, they have some glitches and such flaws, I had fun with it and the cutscenes/storytellings are really watchable and good. Im not even joking when I said that. The Boom designs are really cool. Plus, I dont mind the tone is quite different from the show. Kinda dark and mature (Rise of Lyric that is). But at those games dont take themselves too seriously and not meant to make so much sense. It retains its humor. It balances light and dark well. And the games have so many potentials. They have their flaws but overall good in my eyes.

The Sonic Boom comics by Archie were actully fun and good but sadly shortlived. Only 11 issues?!? That's not much to be honest. My problem is that I feel like the comic got interrupted by this Sonic and Megaman crossover stuff from issue 8 to 10. Im reading Sonic Boom for Sonic Boom. Not Sonic and Megaman crossover. If they wanted to add Sticks and other Boom characters in this crossover called "Sonic/Megaman Unite", they should have made their own spinoff comic, instead of interrupting the Sonic Boom comics. It's so annoying as hell. I may be pleased that Archie Sonic comics got cancelled years ago due to messy writings and such. But has downsides when thinking about some good aspects. So I find it sad that the Sonic Boom comics got cancelled 7 years ago. I know deep down the show itself is cancelled 5 years ago. But I cant help but hope IDW could make Sonic Boom comics because I'm pleased that the company handles Sonic much better than Archie in my eyes.

Favorite character: Sonic and his friends. To be frank, its hard to pick which one of the characters are great because many character funny and likable. But Sonic and his friends are funny and endearing. Their friendship and such.

Despised character: Swifty the Shrew. I always consider Swifty and his debute episode to be the biggest low point of the show and the Sonic Boom universe altogether, I know Swifty is meant to be unlikable and one of the bad guys but this is too much and that doesn't make him any less annoying and unlikable to watch. He's very obnoxious, nasty natured, insufferable, lame, irritating, rude, disgusting, creepy and gross. It really pisses me off when the writers claim that he is meant to represent 90s Sonic and retain from Modern Sonic (I dont mind Modern Sonic at all. He's not bad) when I dont see him as any of it all in my eyes. Its really insulting. All I see Swifty as an OC that tries way too hard to be cool and some sort of a bad parody that some haters see in Sonic. Swifty never really demonstrates that he is like those Sonics in my eyes. Plus, I dont think the writers behind the show seem to understand the 90s Sonic. He sucks ass at pretending to be a "cool" "Do Gooder/Goody Two shoes" because never tries to hide his nasty attitude when he was trying to impress everyone and make Sonic jealous when Swifty is so terrible at impressing and wooing everyone but the script is making everyone fall for him. He also has a very terrible design. The makers tried to make him cool but comes off as ugly as fuck. And his slangs are annoying to listen especially his annoying catchphrase "Radical Speed". I may be born from the 90s but I have no understanding about this 90s nonsense people state about Swifty. All I know is that he's poorly designed and sounds like that he talks like a drunken idiot who tries to be cool and hip. His clothes seems timeless but in a bad way in my eyes. And he has no streetwise style or charm whatsoever.

Whenever I express my hatred towards him and how annoyed I was at how easily Amy felt for him. Someone told me this even thought they dont mean any harm despite the statements sounded condescending, "Yes but when your a lady with a crush, and your not really sure he likes you, you gotta keep yourself open for any other guys you like, this whole her 'falling for Swifty's hing was probably Sega going 'look! She's not absolutely nuts over Sonic they like each other normally here!' ya know? Plus she didn't know he was a bad guy and why would you just randomly lunch someone for being into you? That's seems a bit harsh and I would've hated Amy's character for doing something like that." But here is a thing. Swifty has been a rude jerk right from the start by skateboarding like a total jerk and an idiot. His skateboarding is nothing impressive at all. Plus, flirting someone you meet by feeding them food like burger, pizza, hot dog with bare hand is not a believable way to impress or woo. It's not charming or romantic. It just comes off as creepy and gross. I would not hate Amy's character for punching Swifty at all regardless he's one of the bad guys or not. Like I said, he's just a rude, bullying, full of himself, annoying jerk even to begin with. Heck his nasty behaviour and attitude is as obvious as a plane crash. Skateboarding on someone else's table while eating is very rude and inconsiderate. And I dont buy he's Eggman's robot at all. Im suprpised that not many people including SEGA acknowledge Swifty has been a very insufferable and annoying prick throughout the whole episode even in the beginning of the episode and being Eggman's robot was a bad idea. I refuse to buy and believe that Eggman is behind Swifty at all. Heck, the plot twist doesnt make him any less irritating. It actually makes him even more annoying and intolerable. A friend of mine told me that likable characters are on both sides, regardless theyre one of the good guys or bad guys, heroes, villains, anti-villans and anti-heroes. Plus, not even his voice actor Robbie Rist is a saving grace to Swifty either. And to be honest. I've never been a fan of Robbie Rist. Sure he's good and decent as some characters like Choji from Naruto and Mikey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But Robbie Rist's voice for Swifty is even more annoying.

Favorite Season: 1 and 2

Despised Season: None

Overrated chararacter: None

Underrated Character: Cliff and Perci. Cliff has so many potentials to be a mentor for the gang and the grandfather figure for them. Perci has many potentials to be a part of Sonic's gang and one of Amy's closest friends like Sticks. But sadly in the show she's portrayed as some eyecandy bimbo when in the game she's helpful to the gang and the dynamic between them is different. Such a shame.

Favorite villains: Lyric is an awesome villain of the two games, his backstory, his design and such. Eggman is a funny and hillarious. He may be a villain, but he got some heart deep within him, and that in the end he really gets along with Sonic and his gang. Like being a Fuzzy Puppy Buddy with Amy, roasting marshmallows with Sonic and Tails.

Despised villain: Swifty, of course!

Favorite couple: Sonamy. The chemistry between them is so cute. Amy in this universe tries to hide her feelings for Sonic yet everyone knows it while Sonic isnt aware of it. Sonic in this version really has a crush on Amy but doesnt want to break his cool guy look and gets jealous when he hears some says Amys on a date and how Amy hugs Vector as a thanks. Those I point is a better way to make him jealous. Talls X Zooey really is growing on me.

Despised couple: Swiftamy and Sonerci (I prefer Sonic and Perci as just friends).

Favorite episode: To be frank. It's actually very difficult to pick which episode is the best. Because there are many good episodes like "Sidekick", "Give Beas a Chance", "Robots from the Sky 1-4". "Fuzzy Puppy Buddies" is a funny and cute where Amy bonds with Eggman.

Despised episode. Blue with Envy. It's very easy to pick which is the worst episode. It has no redeemable qualities at all. Not even the ending. I can't stand the episode. I can't even watch it without screaming my lungs out in anger, crying or even slamming myself in the forehead, And every scene Swifty is in is just painful. he's not even funny at all. I can't put up with this asshole. I've seen reviews from anyone on the internet about Swifty and the episodes but none of them convince me at all. I get Sonic has insecurities, and jealousy can actually affect even the most kind hearted people in the world and it's relatable to be jealous. I get the plot about Sonic's ego being one of his weakness and making him jealous by exploiting it, but I really hate how the episode is going about it. Because Swifty is such a lousy rival to Sonic and lousy fake hero, just as lousy villain and as a lousy character. Swifty actually sucks at trying to look cool. He comes off as a passive aggressive bully towards ever everyone around him and he has severe attitude problems who thinks he's cooler than everyone around him. I don't buy that he earns everyone's admiration and such because his idiocy and nasty attitude. How everyone including Sonic's friends got impressed by this asshole so fucking easily, even though like I said his nasty behaviour is far from subtle. He never tries to hide his bad behaviour. I know Sonic and his friends are kids and teenagers but come on! I know Knuckles in this show isn't bright but not that stupid. So I don't buy Knuckles would fall for Swifty's lame efforts either. The episode does a very lousy effort to make Swifty look more superior than Sonic to make him jealous and pulling ridicilous stuff out of its dirty unwiped ass to make him successfully impress everyone for his lousy fake heroism despite not putting real good effort to convince that and the episode does a very lousy job at making Sonic jealous of Swifty for his "so called coolness" when that green prick is neither of things and the episode does a very lousy job at making Sonic look bad at things swifty can do like catchphrase things (like I said, Swifty's catchphrase is lame and annoying) and feeding people (It's not a good way to woo or impress strangers by feeding them with any food which is creepy as hell. I understand the feeding thing is when families, partners, friends and dates do that. Not wooing or flirt strangers). It rubs me the wrong way Swifty gets the expectation/chance to be a hero when he never put any effort, all he did was acting like a creepy and gross prick. It annoys me when Sonic's friends said that annoying catchphrase. And when Sonic was about to reach to save Baby Chumley from falling from the roof of the house, Swifty bullies Sonic by blinding him with sparkle backside thing of a firework rocket, intentionally glued him and pulled a net on him right in front of everyone including Sonic's friends and Swifty saw Sonic with is own eyes yet they didn't get affected by this and just admire Swifty when he saved Chumley and become new hero while bullying Sonic. That's messed up. It really annoys me when even Amy and Sticks squeeing and fangirling and Tails bonding with that prick even what he did to Sonic. Not cool. It screams so many red flags. And when Swifty trashtalks to Sonic infront of his friends and making some stupid race bet and banishing the losers. They changed their mind. talk about forced. As forced as how easily everyone admire him. I mean it wasn't a first time exposing Swifty's nasty attitude. The race scene is also very irritating to watch. And Swifty cheated even before this plot twist (which I hate) came along and it makes me sad and angry when Sonic got banished and got dragged out of there. The plot twist that Swifty turns out to be Eggman's robot really ruins it for me. While I like the idea of Eggman's amusementpark plans and make Eggmanland some sort a parody of Disneyland and I have nothing against the parody of Walt and Mickey statue. But the episode ruins the joke by adding Swifty as the Mickey Mouse of the statue next to Walt Disney. Like I said, I don't buy or believe Swifty is being Eggman's robot because like I said about him many times. Eggman may be a villain with evil plans but he knows where to draw the line, unlike Swifty. Swifty never bothers where to draw the line with his nastyness and going way too far with it. Even the show is a self aware comedy where it's not meant to be taken serious but a line still needs ot be drawn. In the later episodes "Eggman the Auter" and "Lair of Lockdown" where was some cameo as cameo or head. It shows the show didn't acknowledge that having Swifty as Eggman's robot was such a bad idea and it sticks out like a sore thumb. If the show wanted to make Walt and Mickey statue. They should have Metal Sonic as the Mickey Mouse statue instead of that green prick. I know Sonic Boom is a different Sonic adaptaion but come on. If they're not gonna add Metal Sonic as Mickey Mouse statue, they could have make a robot that is just as cool and awesome as Metal Sonic. Man, such a missed comedic opportunity. Not even Swifty's defeat is satishfying because the episode doesn't go far enough with his suffering. So weak. He never really had to suffer or face any serious consequences. I swear the real Swifty must have bribed or blackmailed Eggman so he can get away with it. I really don't mind Sonic having a rival or at least love rival but Swifty is totally rubbish and poorly executed. the show could have made a well designed and better written rival with real charisma like Jet the Hawk or Scourge the Hedgehog. And ways to impress or woo be more believable and tone down and alittle subtle with the jerky side of the rival. Eggman can do such better with exploiting Sonic's ego than this. And the show could do so much better episode with Eggman's plans or making an amusement park. So, I think Blue with Envy is such a problematic episode. I slightly get their intentions and the message of "Value your friends more than fads" but the results/execution did alot more harm than fun/good. Those kinds of aspects really severely wounds the show and Eggman's Disneyland parody amusement park plans. Swifty reminds me so much of Mortimer Mouse from the Mickey Mouse franchise. The heights don’t count but they’re annoying and obnoxious personalities and how they treated their rivals without even bother to draw the line at all, they’re both bucktoothed, poorly designed, looked more like rats than mouse/shrew and have very annoying catchphrase like ”Radical Speed” and ”Ha cha cha!” (although Mortimer’s  catchphrase debut in 90s Mickey Mouse Works, no his actual debut short). ”Mickey’s Rival” share kinda same problems as ”Blue with Envy” in some ways when it comes to making the lead characters jealous and the rivals impressing Minnie, Sonic’s friends and others despite their talents and attempts to woo or impress are really rubbish, gross and repulsive, and not even trying to hide their nastyness and bullying Sonic and Mickey. Both Swifty and Mortimer go way too far with mistreating their rivals, despite they’re meant to be unlikable but it’s too much and overdoing it. Their comeuppances are too soft and weak. So yeah, this episode is so downright aggressively and viciously mean-spirited towards Sonic and doesn't even bother to tone it down. The episode thinks it winks to the audience but it feels more of a middle finger. Everytime I see the episode and how it treats Sonic that way, I get a total breakdown. Like this kind of reaction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5clkiJ_azL8 It's that bad and it's that painful to sit through. I wish this episode should never be on the air in the first place.

I also heard from a certain review pointing out "Sonic's failure to dethrone Swifty at first also proves that he's not infallible". I GET IT ALREADY!!!!!! Sonic is far from infallible! Geez. But in that case, I dont buy/believe that Swifty has managed to dethrone Sonic due to Swifty's skills are very rubbish, unnatural, unbelievable, half assing, unconvincing and relies heavily on bullying. And like I said, stuff/ideas just pulls ridiculously out of it's ass. Sonic only fails to dethrone Swifty because whenever the writers feel like it just serves that green prick on a silver platter and just spoils him rotten. Which is insultingly patronizingly lazy and doesnt even feel natural or earned. It feels like a fanfiction written by a spoiled brat to prove his oc to be better than everyone else. So, "Sonic's failure to dethrone Swifty" actually just proves nothing but insultingly forced bad writing for that! So there.

I tried my best to describe how I feel about the episode and Swifty himself and the good and bad aspects of the show properly and try to be calm.

Sonic Boom (c) Sega/Sonic Team

sonic team 19,772, sega 15,226, meme 9,080, sonic boom 2,383
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 years, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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