hey guys!!! so have you ever done something incredible stupid with your computer or smartphone or playstation or any other typ of electronics?...........well i sure have a couple of weeks ago https://www.google.com/search?q=homer+crying+pinchy&... okay so what have i done? i was bussy on a doodle but thank god i sometimes copy a pose for a doodle or regular drawing........any way the doodle it was barrely halfway made and one morning i woke up and i wanned to withdraw the drawing into a folder and my computer i dont know froze for a second and i got annoyed and i pressed the space button next thing i know it deleted the intire file by accident i was unable to recover it but ate least i was able to resketch it in less then half hour so any way what ever you do with any typ of device backup everything or try not fuck it up so it doesnt get deleted or just by figure of speach you accidently put your nudes on faceback or send it to any one https://m0.her.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/15171218/i...