Aventurion... no Aventoonrion, the toon version of the world of adventures and mysteries, here in aventoonrion the adventoonrers use and unknown power called the Toon Force, an ancient power that got discovered in late 1920s when cartoons in aventurion was invented, the Toon Force is a powerful arcane force that every adventoonrers can use, they can shapeshift, summon objects in battle, pyrokinesis, control explosions, reality manipulation and many imaginable powers the adventoonrers can have. like very Aventurion variant there's also an Anthonitecus and Astraligor for this world and they have full control of the Toon Force, more info about Aventoonrion and it's population coming soon.
=========================================================================== anyway, here's a toon version of anthonitecus and astraligor, also they're not full anthro because they're accurate cartoon animals so no questions