-Kevin: No me gusto como se fue Khery.. Ella se fué muy lastimada..
-Lis: * se hacerca un poco mas para consolar a Kevin * Porque lloras por esa gatita... Si me tienes a mi para consolarte.
-Kevin: *Suspira *
-Lis: Además no es tu culpa que esa....
-Kevin: Culpa.. . Culpa... CULPA..
-Lis: Tranquilo lindo zorrito, esa gatita solo es una...
-Kevin: * Grita y empuja a Lis * CÁLLATE!! Esto es tu culpa!!!
-Lis: Hey * Asustada *
-Kevin: Si tan solo yo no fuera tan pasivo esto no hubiera terminado así.. Yo te hubiera dejado en tu lugar!!! * Comienza a enfurecer *
-Lis: Tranquilízate un poco zorrito adorable, que yo te recompensare con ...
-Kevin: Que te calles!!! * La gema de su collar se agrieta y comienza a emanar un poco de poder * Yo tenía que defender a Khery y solo me quedé callado.. Haaaa!!! Pero esto no se va a quedar así!!
-Lis: * asustada intenta usar su habilidad sin éxito algo * Que eres tu?!
Este es el último dibujos que contará con historia por escrito. (Será remplazado por comics)
Hey!! Ya conoces mi patreon. Puedes obtener beneficios al apoyar mi arte y al igual me ayudarás a seguir creando mas contenido para usted https://www.patreon.com/YordrawArt
Y su usted me esta apoyando Aquí dejó el post original del dibujo, por si usted le interesa acceder directo a este trabajo en patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/73813499
-Kevin: Khery left... *sobs*
-Lis: Why do you want that... if you have me
-Kevin: I didn't like how Khery left.. She was very hurt...
-Lis: *gets closer to comfort Kevin* Why are you crying for that kitten... If you have me to comfort you.
-Kevin: *sighs*
-Lis: Besides, it's not your fault that that...
-Kevin: Guilt.. . Fault... FAULT..
-Lis: Calm down cute little fox, that kitten is just a...
-Kevin: *Screams and pushes Lis* SHUT UP!! This is your fault!!!
-Lis: Hey * Scared *
-Kevin: If only I weren't so passive this wouldn't have ended like this... I would have left you in your place!!! *starts to get angry*
-Lis: Calm down a little adorable little fox, I'll reward you with...
-Kevin: Shut up!!! *The gem on her necklace cracks and begins to emanate a bit of power* I had to defend Khery and I just kept quiet.. Haaaa!!! But this is not going to stay like this!!
-Lis: * frightened tries to use her ability without success * What are you?!
This is the last drawing that will have a written story. (Will be replaced by comics)
Hey!! You know my patreon. You can get benefits by supporting my art and you will also help me to continue creating more content for you https://www.patreon.com/YordrawArt
And if you are supporting me Here he left the original post of the drawing, in case you are interested in direct access to this work on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/73813499