If I recall correctly his power was near instant regeneration. We're talking you can reduce some to Ash and he would heal back from it. Also I never understood why they painted their fur in that cartoon. I recall one cartoon episode where we see them in their natural colors though I don't remember all that well.
If I recall correctly his power was near instant regeneration. We're talking you can reduce some to
In one of the ancient episodes, he climbs out of Elmer Fud's shower, dripping wet. You see him from the back mostly until he grabs a towel and the view flips... and for a frame you can see Bugs is about 2 inches thick and dangling down past the towel.
In one of the ancient episodes, he climbs out of Elmer Fud's shower, dripping wet. You see him from
Ahhhh the loonatics……a classic show I dearly miss…..woulda thought that tech x Rev would b cute as well as ace x Lexi or slam x ace or ace x Rev but anywho I’m digressing….I still love the show but can’t find it around very often…..TnT
Ahhhh the loonatics……a classic show I dearly miss…..woulda thought that tech x Rev would b cute as w