here Fiona The Raccoon she diaper depending cause at young age her parents ask if she wanna be potty trained unfortunately Fiona fear thunderstorms and have a Massive fear of the potty monster her parents try all too make her potty trained but always end in a failure so her parents tell her what you prefer potty trained our permanently in diaper it's your choice you decide wanna be potty trained our we let u in diaper for your full life and she ask too stick too Diaper Don't blame her she's feeling more comfortable in diaper and also she turn Incontinent for not leaving pamp got this cutie girl adopt from
Fiona: >////< i might just got a Accident mama gonna change me later she put a wot of rash cream and powder cause she know i wet and well sometimes poopoo i have no control over bladder and bowel
Fiona: >////< i might just got a Accident mama gonna change me later she put a wot of rash cream and
Awwww. Nice to see another one of Blaze's adoptables going to a good home. I've got another one of his beach buddies in my character, Tallulah the Beach Kitty.
Awwww. Nice to see another one of Blaze's adoptables going to a good home. I've got another one of h