Character Sheet for Kiara The Luxen
Luxen (Braixen-Luxio Hybrid)
Character Description
Kiara is a female Braixen-Luxio Pokémon hybrid who is now out and about in the world looking for a place or two to fit in. She is always looking to tag along in anything happening and have lots of fun, but most of the time, she just watches from the sidelines if she can. Still, when she’s required to do something, watch her do it fast, efficiently, and especially gracefully, which sometimes brings a bit of her snobbiness out.
Likes: Spicy food, Keeping clean and pretty, Hanging out, Impressing people
Dislikes: Macho people, Snobby people (Ironic), Messy/Dirty things, Lots of work
To this day, Kiara’s origins and biography are unknown. Not even she remembers how she was born or who her parents are, but she was raised by a wealthy Pokémon Trainer who endlessly spoiled her with everything she could want. Thanks to that, as Kiara grew and trained to be a show Pokémon, she picked up a few of her trainer’s mannerisms and personality, becoming so stuck-up to everyone. Some time later, chaotic events happened where she got separated by her trainer, never to see them again, and was forced out into the wild to become a wild Pokémon. While trying to find her footing around the place, her attitude was still very exuberant among the other wild Pokémon, but that quickly corrected itself with a scary encounter with bigger Pokémon who were not gonna take any of her snobby crap. They all attacked her, but thanks to her agility, she narrowly escaped them all. All of that was enough to give her a reality check; Just because she always had a silver spoon in her mouth doesn’t mean she can be a princess jerk to everybody she meets. Taking this experience to heart, she has long since humbled herself, decreased her ego, and became more compassionate and friendly towards other people, as much as she can withstand them anyway. Despite that, she’s come to another realization; being alone in this world is no fun at all. She longed for having friends again, even missing her ex-trainer at times, even though she now resents their past behavior.
For the next year and a half, she’d be traveling by herself on foot, abiding by the rules of nature until she finally stumbled upon modernity, what she’s used to, in New Mauvile City. The first place she found solace and relief in was a certain cafe named “Under the Hood”, almost about to close. Looking slightly dirtied from her life in the wild, she entered the cafe, and inside was one of the workers, a Deerling named Doilie, almost about to close up shop when she noticed Kiara coming in to her surprise. Doilie made room for her as her last customer for the day and started conversing with the rough-looking Luxen as she made her some delicious fix-ins to eat and drink. Doilie feels sympathy for Kiara’s life turning upside-down and her desire to fit in, have fun, and make friends. Doilie decided on the “make friends” part, she would be Kiara’s first new friend as she offered her a job here at the cafe as they needed more hands on deck, and Kiara happily accepted. Now she’s an official employee at Under the Hood as a waitress/greeter. She’s quickly adapted to this new stable lifestyle, and making bank at the same time under the watchful (bedroom) eyes of Doilie.
During her time working there, she’s caught the eye of a Cresselia named Cyan who’s been a consistent customer at Under the Hood. Using her mind reading ability, Cyan learns all about Kiara and her likes instantly while Kiara dozes off on her break, and she decides that Kiara’s way too interesting to just pass up. So later on a certain night, when Kiara was asleep, Cyan invaded her dreams and gave Kiara a wild wet ride of pleasure, pressing all her buttons until Kiara wakes up to a smug-faces Cyan in the flesh, laying right beside her. She was so flummoxed, but she and Cyan got to talking and introductions. Thanks to Cyan knowing all about her already, she easily appealed to the flustered Luxen, and they quickly became friends, with benefits considering Cyan is taking a big liking to Kiara’s intimate side~
Then another work day at the cafe, she had met Lydia on the job and they eventually recognized each other as half sisters since they come from the same Luxray father. After catching up, Lydia brought her over to the Chu House to offer her a place to stay and meet new friends there, and Kiara quickly agreed. So now, Kiara is happily living among Emmanuel, Sweetchu, and others today.
Doilie (
) - Her Co-Worker and Close Friend
Lydia (
) - Her Half Sister
Kiara has a shortstack figure being 3’11” in height, and her body shape shares almost all physical traits with that of a Braixen. However, her tail takes the form of a Luxio’s tail. In fact, her fur colors and patterns resemble a Luxio to a T.