"Oh hey, Ms. Miles, you missed a spot." Sonic teased as he sat on the couch with a wide grin on his face. He won the bet and made his decision on Tails' punishment. He was to be his diapered little maid.
Tails stopped cleaning and leered at Sonic with an epic blush on his face. He wanted to speak out against him but knew that if he did, he'd be punished with a double diapering. He could barely move with this poofy diaper on already.
With a sigh, Tails relented.
"Yes sir..."
Hey guys. As you all might know, there was an issue back in May where my Patreon got suspended. It's back now but I had to delete all my old images. I upload images to a Discord channel for the Patreon now so that's not an issue any longer. However, in order to promote the Patreon, my patrons and I agreed that showing off some of the old deleted stuff would be good to do, especially since it's been years and years since some of this stuff was made. The new Patreon stuff will stay on my Patreon though. Not everything will get uploaded either so if you want to see it, check me out there. Enjoy what I do have to show off though.
Support me on Patreon or Pixiv FANBOX and get images and bi-weekly stories for just a single dollar a month. Even more colored images await you for 10 dollar patrons and above too. Check it out at http://www.patreon.com/SDCharm or http://sdcharm.fanbox.cc/
Making the loser of a bet a poofy diaper maid? Classic and love it ^^ Irony being these days it would more be someone else making him a maid, and sonic's already on staff. ^_~
Making the loser of a bet a poofy diaper maid? Classic and love it ^^ Irony being these days it woul