Character Sheet for Lapsel
pokemon,Lapras,sneasel, pokefusion
Character Description
Thick headed, paired with noodly arms, and chunky turtle trunks for legs. Lapsel freeezes icebolts in her quiver shell. She loads these bolts into her fingers, and can utilize them as viciously long claws, or fire them at foes with the same force as a crossbow. Her hair curls around her forehead in such a way, that it looks like a bycocket (famously dawned by Robinhood)
Spunky, competitive, clumsy, arrogant, braggadocios, helpful, blunt, adventurous
Likes: lying, cheating, stealing, Battling, playing, roughhousing, ribbing, rowdiness, general mischief and rude behavior welcome!
Dislikes: AUTHORITY AAAAAA, and pokeballs
Lapsel is one of the few success stories of Professor Strelitzia's experiments. She is fully stable, and coherent enough to place her with the rest of the normal Pokemon. However she not only refuses to return to her PokeBall, she breaks every empty PokeBall she comes across.
A wild Lapras was her mother, and a Jhoto league champion Sneasel is her father! Professor Strelitzia is her trainer (who she doesn't listen to)
She grew her gems and what not herself, almost like she was born with them or something :P