I rarely ever toot my own horn but goddamn. The way this page turned out shocked me. I really couldn’t wait to get a chance to do an image in the rain and I’m eternally grateful it took me so long to since it meant improving my skills and knowledge of the programs I’m using well enough to get it looking this cinematic. Look at the glow from those street lights! It’s better than what I imagined!
Yes, Bourbon is on his way to the sleepover, playing a song in the rain that he felt was appropriate. It’s waterproof. He isn’t though. He has no umbrella. Juneberry doesn’t either but she doesn’t care. She’s here because she just seems to appear whenever Bourbon is in need. Will Bourbon take what she has to say to heart though? Or will he listen to Azure instead?
Also, I love the way Juneberry’s outfit came out to. I love everything about this page. It’s one of my favorites.
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god damn man, this is beautiful. never expected to have suck a emotional scene come from this comic. really hope he doesnt listen to his other personality, azure
god damn man, this is beautiful. never expected to have suck a emotional scene come from this comic.
Poor Bourbon is gonna catch hypothermia from being soaked like that. Looks like the power of Idiot Friendship has reached him, after all, Troy and Ian didn't make fun of him after his pants were stolen. Ian gave Bourbon his borrowed shirt to cover up his tighty whities. I think Bourbon should see a therapist, given his mental state, hopefully his uncle can afford to do so.
Also, Bourbon probably should have worn a rain coat or brought an umbrella. He's gonna have to strip when he gets to the sleepover since his clothes are soaked. Hopefully his undies are dry. Come to think of it, the same goes for Juneberry.
Poor Bourbon is gonna catch hypothermia from being soaked like that. Looks like the power of Idiot F