Artwork (with permission of the artist ShadowLinx2022) of Kung Fu Panda: Kung Fu Panda 3 Alternative - or: Tigress has won against Kai (2022-11-01).
Today I stumbled across the KFP artwork of ShadowLinx2022 on DeviantArt and really liked the black and white kind of sketchy ones instantly, because they are good drawn and atmospherically.
I am glad to receive permission for coloring and decided to start with his more realistic one of Master Tigress - her face is more like a real Tiger, highlighting animalistic features and here body with human shaped breasts and muslces - love those arms and abs - fits her just great *_*
The coloring process was a difficult one - I could not decide wehat to do with the flower on Tigress' belly and deceided to perceive it as a tatoo, so she just wears a kind of 'sports bra'.
Also, first I colored her clothing resembling the one of KFP 1 and decided my best to draw an atmospherically suiting background: This was inspired by KFP 3's Master Garden and then I switched the colors of Tigress' clothing to match her KFP 3 appearance more. Also, I remembered a favorite picture of Chun Li from Street Fighter, where she has beaten E. Honda and found myself to set up this picture as an alternative version of KFP 3, where Tigress - with muscles, kung fu skills and Chi power - was able to defeat Kai...
First I thought ofg having messed up this, but now after finishing it, I really like the result and hope you'll can get a grasp of atmosphere in my version of it.