Character Sheet for Max Prower
Anti-Skye, Prince of Moebius, Dickhead
Character Description
Max Prower, The son of Miles Prower (The Anti-Tails) and Queen Alicia (The Anti-Sally).
Max is the heir to the Moebius Throne that Miles and Alicia decided to have just in case something happened to Queen Alicia, and so Miles wouldn't have to go public and become King, preferring to stay to the shadows. He was not made from love, but purely as a failsafe. With a rough childhood and no supervision he became a spoilt brat of a person, and believes that he is entitled to whatever he wants. And he takes what he wants.
Max is a Selfish, Self-entitled, stuck up, sassy, narcissistic brat. He believes he's entitled to everything due to always getting what he wants, and does not care for limits or boundaries. If he wants it, he gets it.
Anti-tails: Max's father. These 2 do not get on well, Miles never having the interest or time for Max and being somewhat embarrassed by how he turned out, and Max does not know about any of Miles' secret jobs and his control over Moebius.
Anti-Sally: Max's Mother. Alicia was there for Max somewhat, but clearly never loved him, seeing him as nothing more then a potential heir. She only acts like a loving Mother when in public with him, but at home doesn't care at all.
The Suppression Squad:
Moebius from the Archie Sonic comics slightly in the future.
Max has mostly yellow fur, with a white belly and scruff below his neck, alongside white tail tips and a white muzzle. He has twin tails like his Father and Prime self. He has bright blue eyes and brown slicked back hair, alongside black eyeshadow and mascara. He also dyes the tips of his ears so he looks older.
He wears a blue, silver and black royal coat, with a black cloak with silver rim on-top of it, and a brown belt in the middle. He also wears form fitting, super tight brown leggings and black leather thigh high boots, and leather fingerless gloves.
Max doesn't have many accessories, but he does wear a silver ring around the bottom of each of his tails.