English: Christopher Bland The Norwegian Venomous Whale
Norsk: Kristofer Braadland De Norsk-giftig-hval (Norsk-giftig-Knølhval/Norsk-giftigknølhval/Norskgiftigknølhval/Norsk-giftighval/Norskgiftighval)
Created By: As himself, Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris, Leo Benvenuti, Steve Rudnick (down below more creators)
Born: January 25, 2003
Birth places: Near at Sandefjord in Norway
Age: 22 years old, but it's used his age youth magic
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus) (list of subspecies of Norwegian Venomous Whale down below here)
Status: Active living
Full name: Christopher Bland The Whale, Kristofer Braadland De Hval (truely name)
Real name: Christopher Darren Bland Bland The Norwegian Venomous Whale, Kristofer Braadland De Hval (truely name)
Other Name: Christopher Bland, Chris Bland, Kristofer Braadland, Kris Braadland, Kris Hval, Kristofer Hval, Mr. Braadland, Whaleboy, Mr. Whale, Chris The Whale Boy, Rhale, Whale, Hval, Captain Whale (as on 24½th Century), Kujira/ 鯨 /クジラ/クリストファー・ザ・ブラッドランド・ザ・クジラ/クリス・ブラッドランド・クジラ/クリストファー・ホエール/クリス・クジラ/Chris Kujira (by Noodle), Furry Whale, Furry Humpback, Hval-Whale (by Rhoda Roundhouse), Seal-Faced Whale, Sexy Whale (by girls and LGBT everyone), Child (by Grigori Raspiutin and other Ghidorah's army), Playa (by The Blacker Baron), Sharptooth/Sharpteeth, Bland (by enemy CJ/Cloudy Jane and other Trumpers Co. members), Predator (by herbivores), Prey (by Nerissa Oceanus and other Whale-Eater Siren (Titanosirenius cetophagus), and other carnivores), ChrisTheWhaleKing and KristoferBraadland/ChristopherBland (by his username)
Nationality: Norwegian-Americans
Language: American English and Norwegian
Years Actives: 2003-Present
Occupation: Cetologist and Mammalogist, Zoologist, Marine Biologist and Paleontologist, Anatomist, Artists and Cartoonists, Actor and Voice Actor, Directors, Producers, Writtens, Musical and DJ, Rappers, Comedian, Creator and Fan Clubs, B.P.R.D, Monarch, Explore, Mammals ruled the world, Wildlife, King of the Ocean, King of the Norway, King of the Wild, King of the United States and Canada, King of the Arctic and Antarctica, Moby Dick's team, Psychologist, WWF, Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd, Thorshavet's Remember Crews, Anti-Whaling, Whaler ship modellers
Past occupation: Cryptid Whale-Hunters by whalers, Vampire Hunters
Relatives: Pearl The Sperm Whale (wives/mates/spouses)
Children: Watson The Whale (b. 2021, January 20), Doris The Whale (b. 2022, January 22)
Food: Sea grass, seaweed, kelps, acorns, carrots, grasses, few veggies, fruits, phytoplankton; Krabby Patty (with plant-based), hot dogs (with plant-based), sausages rolls (with plant-based), meatballs (with plant-based), cocktail sausages (with plant-based), meat pies, fish sticks, mackerels, tunas, sardines, herrings, salmons, cods, krill, prawn, shrimps, zooplankton, hooked squid, small squids, scavengers and carrions (current favorite foods); Giglioli's Whale, Bloop Whale, other cryptid baleen whales (former favorite foods)
Drink: Waters, Blood, Diet Blood, Blood Soda, Plant Soda, juice (favorite drinks)
Speed: 2003-2019 miles per hours.
Size: 32-40 feet long, and 2.0 tons (by aged 22 and on but stop growing now); but used his magic-age youth and titan-size and types of magic-size
Country lived: Norway, United States and Canada, Arctic and Antarctica
Email used: chrisblandwhaleboy@gmail.com
Other his informations
Friends and allies
Main and recurring heroic friends
Cetaceans and other mammals, Davy The Whale, SpongeBob SquarePants (best friend and LGBT-lover), Patrick Star (best friend), Squidward Tentacles, Mr. Eugene Harold Krabs, Sandy Cheeks (LGBT-lover), Pearl The Sperm Whale (his wife and LGBT-lover), Gary The Snail, Larry The Lobster, MermaidMan and BarnacleBoy, Flying Dutchman, Sheldon James Plankton, Karen Plankton, Mrs. Puff, Patchy The Pirate, Potty The Parrot, SpongeBob's family, Patrick's family, Mama Krabs, Randy Cheeks, Pa Cheeks, Rosy Cheeks, Macadamia Cheeks, Hazelnut Cheeks, Pistachio Cheeks, Bugs Bunny (best friend and LGBT-lover), Lola Bunny (LGBT-lover), Daffy Duck, Melissa Duck/Tina Russo, Squeaks The Squirrel, Porky Pig (best friend), Petunia Pig, Gabby The Goat, Granny, Tweety, Sylvester, Tasmania Devil, Pepe Le Pew (LGBT-lover), Penelope Pussycat (LGBT-lover), Foghorn Leghorn, Miss Prissy, Henery Hawk, Dawg The Dog, Beaky Buzzard, Pete Puma, Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Giovanni Jones, Witch Lezah, Speedy Gonzales, Slowpoke Rodriguez, Sniffles The Mouse, Goofy Gopher, Hubie and Bertie, Claude Cat, Hector The Bulldog, Sam Sheepdog, Ralph Wolf, Road-Runner, Wile E. Coyote, Marvin The Martian, Queen Tyr'ahnee, Gossamer, The Dover Boys, Three Bears, Toro The Bull, Walter Bunny, Patricia Bunny, Claudette Dupri, Miss Cougar, Rhoda Roundhouse, Buster and Babs Bunny (LGBT-lover), Tiny Toons members, Lexi Bunny, Ace Bunny, other Loonatics, Mordecai (best friend), Rigby (best friend and LGBT-lover), Margaret Smith, Eileen Roberts (LGBT-lover), Benson Dunwoody, Pops Maellard/Mega Kranus, Mitch Muscle Man Sorenstein, Starla, Hi Five Ghost, Skips, Techmo, Thomas the Goat, Death, Gene The Vending Machine, Mordecai's family, Rigby's family, Margaret's family, Mr. Maellard, Guardians Of Eternal Youth, Gary The Synthonian, HD DVD, Blu-ray, Guardian of Lolliland, Fivola Kranus, Quadravi Kranus and Weird Mushroom Guy, Anti-Pops/Malum Kranus, Omation, Jimmy Neutron, Sheen, Carl, Cindy, other Jimmy Neutron's friends, Mr. and Mrs. Neutron, Otis The Cow, Pip The Mouse, Peck The Rooster, Freddy The Ferret, Pig The Pig, Bessy The Cow, Abby The Cow, Farmer Buyer, Ace Ventura, Sergent Sam Roderick, Paul Watson, Sea Shepherds crew, Greenpeace crew, Fluke and Rudder The Sea Lion, Hellboy, Elizabeth Sherman, Abraham Sapien, Johann Krauss, Alice Monaghan, Professor Trevor Broom Bruttenholm, Benjamin Daimio, John Myers, Tom Manning, Angel of Death, Ghostbusters (Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Dana Barrett, Janine Melnitz, Louis Tully, Abby Yates, Jillian Holtzmann, Erin Gilbert, Patty Tolan Kevin Beckman), Slimer, Lady Slimer, Springfields, (Homer Simpson, Marge Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, Abraham Simpson, Santa's Little Helper, Ned Flanders, Todd and Rod Flanders, Mr. Burns, Apu, Milhouse, Moe, Waylon Smithers, Nelson, Barney, Comic Book Guy, Seymour Skinner, Ralph Wiggum, Cheif Wiggum, Mrs. Wiggum, Manjula, Fat Tony, Groundskeeper Willie, Dr. Hibbert, Carl Carlson, Lenny Leonard, Selma and Patty, Kent Brockman, Reverend Lovejoy, Mayor Quimby), Sheriff Woody's friends (Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep, Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex, Hamm, LGM Aliens, Bullseye, Chuckles, Mr. Pricklepants, Trixie, Buttercup, Dolly, Pea-in-a-Pod, Totoro), Bruce The Great White Shark, Anchor The Hammerhead Shark, Chum The Mako Shark, Destiny The Whale Shark, Mr. Bean, Mrs. Julia Wicket, Irma Gobb, Teddy, Octonauts, Irving The Giant Squid, Emmet, Lucy/Wyldstyle, Unikitty (LGBT-lover), Batman, Metalbeard, Benny, President Business, Kai, Tendai, Zoe, Gogo, Tini, Ezee, Sekhuru, Ajax, Marabous, Sam Flynn, Quorra, Kevin Flynn, Zuse, Pigsaw, Pigface, Tom The Cat, Jerry The Mouse, Spike The Dog, King Kong, Lady Kong, Little Kong, Baby Kong, Godzilla, Ms. Godzilla, Godzilla Junior, Minilla, Mothra, Zilla, Rodan, Gamera, Titanosaurus, Gorosaurus, Whale God, Zeokuronodon, Whalezilla, Sharkzilla, Dinozilla, Crocozilla, Kingzilla and Queenzilla, Lordzilla, Dolphinzilla, Orcazilla, Porpoisezilla, Behemoth, Methuselah, King Caesar, Varan, Baragon, Anguirus, Manda, Na Kika, Amhuluk, M.O.G.U.E.R.A., Jet Jaguar, Suko, Shimo, Jonah Taylor, Meiying Zhang, DJ, Jiuming Zhang, James "Mac" Mackreides, Kayla Watts, Katherine Caldwell, Nelson, Davis Okoye, Goerge The Gorilla, Hank Marlow, Vivienne Graham, Preston Packard, Dr. Nathan Lind, Captain James Conrad, Bill Randa, Dr. Ishiro Serizawa, Mason Weaver, Dr. Ilene Chen, Bernie Hayes, Elle Brody, Reg Slivko, Madison Russell, Lieutenant Ford, Dr. Mark Russell, Joe Brody, Dr. Ilene Andrews, Dr. Rick Stanton, Admiral William Stenz, Dr. Houston Brooks, Jia, Charlie, Annie, Mike, Cap, Irene, Sam, Island Girl, Hiro, Gullierman, Ada and Naka and other Japanese Titan Rabbit (Titanolagus japonicus), Superman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Teen Titan, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Jake The Dog, Finn The Human, Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, BMO, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy Roger, Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Iron Giant, Manfred, Sidney, Diego, Shira, Ellie, Crash and Eddie, Scrat, Peaches, Julian, Buck, Glady, Scratte,Shangri Llama, Francine, Bubbles and Misty The Minicorn, Brooke, Kenai and Nita, Koda, Rutt and Tuke, Anda and Kata, Tug, Bambi, Faline, Thumper, Flower, Hazel/Hazel-Rah (LGBT-lover), Hyzenthlay/Primrose (LGBT-lover), Fiver, Bigwig/Thlayli (LGBT-lover), Spartina (LGBT-lover), Dandelion, Pipkin, Blackberry (LGBT-lover), Campion (LGBT-lover), Clover, Hawkbit, Strawberry, Silverweed, Hickory and Marigold (LGBT-lover), Flax, Moss and Heather, Blackavar, Kehaar, Hannah The Mouse, Judy Hopps (LGBT-lover), Nick Wilde (LGBT-lover), Chief Bogo, Benjamin Clawhauser, Legoshi The Gray Wolf (LGBT-lover), Haru The Northern Rabbit (LGBT-lover), Louis The Red Deer (LGBT-lover), Juno The Gray Wolf (LGBT-lover), Gohin The Giant Panda, Jack The Dog, Teedy the Palaeolagus, Neo and Trinity, Morpheus and Niobe, Clarence Wendle, Jeffery Randell, Sumo Sumouski, The Wattersons (Gumball, Darwin, Anais, Nicole, Richard), other Watterson's friends, Nico The Deinocheirus, Dylan The Deinocheirus, The Nerdlucks, Big Al The Allosaurus lucasi, Rexy The Tyrannosaurus rex, Blue The Velociraptor, Delta The Velociraptor, Charlie The Velociraptor, Echo The Velociraptor, Momma Dino the Tyrannosaurus rex, Egbert and Yoko and Shelly the Tyrannosaurus rex, Blue-Brow The Velociraptor, Little Das The Daspletosaurus, Little Das's sisters, Little Das's mother, Stumpy and Tinkerbelle the Tyrannosaurus rex, Junior The Tyrannosaurus rex, Broken-Jaw The Allosaurus europaeus, Woodstock the Dinheirosaurus, Shroomo The Shunosaurus, Alpha the Saltasaurus, Pod the Pyroraptor, White-Tip the Velociraptor, Alex The Alexornis, Patchi The Pachyrhinosaurus, Juniper The Pachyrhinosaurus, Scowler The Pachyrhinosaurus, Patchi and Juniper's children, Bulldust and †Patchi's mother the Pachyrhinosaurus, Patchi's sisters, Janosz Poha, Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler, Owen Grady, Claire Dearing, Maisie Lockwood, Frankiln Webb, Zia Rodrguez, Henry Wu, Ice Bear, Panda Bear, Grizz Bear, Lumpy The Moose, Simba and Nala, Timon and Pumbaa, Chipmunks (Alvin, Simon, and Theodore Seville) and Chipettes (Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor Miller), Francis The Cat, Felicity The Cat, Nhozemphtekh The Cat, marine creatures, Chance Sureshot, Toothpick Sally, Recap Robot, Colonel Rawls
Major and minor heroic friends
2D/Stuart Harold Pot, Noodle/ヌードル/Nuudoru, Russel Hobbs, Murdoc Alphonse Niccals, Cyborg Noodle, Rodney Copperbottom, Fender Pinwheeler, Wonderbot, Piper Pinwheeler, Diesel Springer, Lugnut/Lug, Crank Casey, Bigweld, Herb Copperbottom, Lydia Copperbottom, Aunt Fanny, Cappy, Loretta Geargrinder, Hova, Zoc, Spindle, Fugax, Kreela, Lucas Nickle, Tiffany Nickle, Doreen Nickle, Fred Nickle, Mommo Nickle, The Beetle and The Glowworm, Head of Council, other Hova and Zoc's ants, Leader Wasp and his armies, Croods, Queen Athena, Triton, King Neptune, Queen Amphitrite, Princess Mindy, Kari Hare, Jack Cayman, Amala, Korban Dallabs, Leeloo, Ruby Rhod, D The Dhampir, Doris Lang, Dan Lang, Left Hand, Alucard, Sera Victoria, Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, Big Bull Crocker, Ms. Mantis (Anarchy Requiem Dominion Reign Whale only), RinRin, Mathilda, The Black Baron, Maximillion Caxton, Gribble, TwoCat, Wingnut and his other martians, Ki and her other martians, Naomi Ann Borras (formerly, Whale Rapper World only), Leonhardt Victorion, Sasha Ivanoff, Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender Bending Rodrigeuz, Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Dr. John A. Zoidberg, Amy Wong, Hermes Conard, Nibbler, Cubert Farnsworth, Scurffy, Kif Kroker, Zapp Brannigan, Kusagari The Hero, Tamiko, Judd The Sheriff, Jian, Leila Marcus, Polk, Meier Link and Charlotte Elbourne (at the end to wide open space), Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher, Candace Flynn, Jeremy Johnson, Perry The Platypus, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Buford Van Stomm, Major Francis Monogram, Lawrence Fletcher and Linda Flynn-Fletcher, Stacy Hirano, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, other Phineas and Ferb's family and friends, Ariel and Prince Eric, Melody, Sebastian, Flounder, other Ariel's friends and family, Kusagari The Hero, Tamiko, Judd The Sheriff, Jian, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy Dog, Owsald The Lucky Rabbit, Chip and Dale, Pluto Dog, other Mickey's friends, Steve Rayburn Jr., Lady Mayhem, Klonk, Axehammer, Lights Out McGlinty, Steve Rayburn Jr.'s human friends (Winnie Coyle, Marc Remy, Siggy, Maggy, Jimothy Brett-Chadley III), Luca Paguro and her family (Daniela and Lorenzo Paguro, Grandmother Westergaard, Ugo, Giulia Marcovaldo-Paguro, Denise Marcovaldo-Paguro, Massimo and Maria Marcovaldo) and friend (Alberto Scorfano), Meilin Lee and her mother Ming Lee and friends (Miriam "Mir" Wexler Mendelsohn, Priya Mangal, Abby Park, Tyler Nguyen-Baker), Ruby Gillman and her family (Agatha, Arthur, Sam, Brill, Grandmamah) and friends (Chelsea Van Der Zee, Connor, Bliss, Margot, Trevin)
Neutral friends
Moby Dick, Monstro, Dr. Blowhole, Adolpho, Mr. Smarty Smarts, King Snorky, Ronno, Dawn Bellwether, Doug Ramses, Woolter and Jesse, Sheep Ram Thug, Mizuchi, Chief Lion, Foxy Foxworth, Soto and Zeke and Lenny and Oscar The Smilodon, Carl and Frank The Brontothere, Scud The Dog, Squint The Palaeolagus, Flynn The Elephant Seal, Dobson The Metridiochoerus, Gupta The Badger, Shenzi and Banzai and Ed The Hyena, Claudandus, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, King Shark
†Deceased friends
†Merlin The Wizard, †Leonardo Formont, Lobster Johnson (it's now ghost), †Larmica, †Princess Nuala, †Prince Nuada, †Ivan Reitman
Enemies, rivals, bosses, and nemesis
Former enemies (when turns antagonistic into goody side characters)
Adolpho (arch rival and enemy, formerly), Dr. Blowhole (arch rival and enemy, formerly), Mr. Smarty Smarts (arch rival and enemy, formerly), King Snorky (arch rival and enemy, formerly), Moby Dick (predators, arch rival and enemy, formerly), Monstro (predators, arch rival and enemy, formerly), Scud The Dog (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Dawn Bellwether (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Doug Ramses (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Soto and Oscar and Lenny and Zeke the Smilodon (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Carl and Frank the Brontothere (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Ronno (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Sheep Ram Thug (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Woolter and Jesse (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Squint (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Cheif Lion (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Mizuchi (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Shenzi and Banazi and Ed the Hyena (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Dobson The Metridiochoerus (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Gupta The Badger (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Claudandus (arch-rivals-and-nemesis, formerly), Sheldon James Plankton (formerly), Karen Plankton (formerly), Gene The Vending Machine (formerly), Rhoda Roundhouse (formerly), Pigsaw (formerly), Pigface (formerly), Janosz Poha (formerly), Big Bull Crocker (formerly), RinRin (Whale Rapper World only; but formerly), The Blacker Baron (Whale Rapper World final boss only; but formerly), Maximillion Caxton (formerly), Leila (rival but formerly), Meier Link (formerly), Charlotte Elbourne (formerly), Larmica (formerly; but until died), Prince Nuada (formerly; but until died), Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, King Shark, Mickey Mouse (formerly as Itchy), Minnie Mouse (formerly as She-Itchy), Donald Duck (formerly as Ghost Duck), Daisy Duck (formerly as Ms. Ghost Duck), Goofy Dog (formerly as Mr. Doggie-Doo), Owsald The Lucky Rabbit (formerly as Killerabbit), Chip and Dale (formerly as Twinkiller Chipmunk), Pluto Dog (formerly), other Mickey's friends (all formerly), Anti-Pops/Malum Kranus (formerly)
Main and recurring enemies - Others
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Baba Yaga,Vastatosaurus rex, Venatosaurus, Foetodon, Skullcrawler, Warbat, Leafwing, Psychovulture, Indominus rex, Indoraptor, MUTO, Ghidorah, Skar King, Scylla, Tiamat, Shin Godzilla, SpaceGodzilla, Gigan, Megalon, Megaguirus, Destoroyah, Hedorah, Barugon, Biollante, Shinomura, Ebriah, Battra, Vivienne Nimue The Blood Queen, Grigori Rasputin, Ilsa Haupstein, Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, Gruagach, Gruagach's minions, Elemental The Forest God, Ogdru Jahad, Mr. Wink, Tooth-Fairies, Gigantum Mortis/Giants, Sammael, Jack Palance the Tyrannosaurus rex, Gorgon The Gorgosaurus, Dag The Coyote, Dag's packs
Main and recurring enemies - The Trumpers (Trumper, Donald Trump ship members, SKDC, L-$-Y-C-B-A-W and Apex Cybernetics)
Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, Lottery $$$ You Could Be A Winner SWAT Team, Man-Ray, Dirty Bubble. Bubble-Poppin' Boys, CJ/Cloudy Jane/Killer Cloud, Squint Eastwood, Cecil Turtle/Destroyer Shell, Dan Backslide, Carl Putter/Father Killer Cloud, Donald Trump, Percy the Doll/Monster Doll, Peeps, Wereskunk, Garrett Bobby Ferguson, Klorgbane The Destroyer, Destroyer Of Worlds, Capicola Gang, Night Owl, No Rules Man, Eugene Beady/Snotty Boy, Eugene Beady's friends and family, The Urge, Dial, Wade, Stag-Man, Clu, Skeletron, Kragle, Lotso/Tedestroyer, Stinky Pete, Micro-Manager, Russ Cargill, Lord Adam Glaren, Glaren's Huntsmen, Ken Wheatley, Eli Mills, Cowslip, General Woundwort, Vervain, Granite, MechaGodzilla, Mechani-Kong, MechaWhaleboy, MechaPearl, MechaBugs and MechaLola, MechaMoby, MechaMonstro, Lewis Dodgson, Dennis Nedry, Jackson Morris, Mr. Walter Simmons, Maia Simmons, Mrs. Wyden, Brett Wyden, Alan Jonah, Asher Jonah, Ren Serizawa
Minor and major enemies - Others
Agent Bane Smith, General Sailback The Dimetrodon (Walking With Dinosaurs series and Anarchy Requiem Dominion Reign Whale only), Ethan Roark Junior, Herr Fredrick Von Twirlenkiller, Plankton Von Twirlenkiller, Hulk Wicket, Mega Frank, Yokozuna Daisangen, Elise The Vampire, Little Eddie, King Kraken, Big Long Mammoth Driller, Humongo Triceratops Axe-Hammer, King Kraken, Jude The Dude, Shogun Kokushimuso, RoboCharlie JonesBots, Wolfman, Lizard-Man, Skeletyrannosaurus, Kronos The Kronosaurus, Megalus The Megalodon, silver spiders, Ms. Mantis (Whale Rapper World only), Supervisor, Ursula and Morgana The Cecaelia, Flotsam and Jetsam, Snake Women of Midwich, Gimlet, Chuula, Golem, Benge, Caroline, Marshira, Carmilla, Tamatoa, Tentacular, Jean Jacket (Occulonimbus edoequus), Nerissa Oceanus The Giant Killer Siren/Whale-Eater Siren (Titanosirenius cetophagus)
Minor and major enemies - The Trumpers (Trumper, Donald Trump ship members, SKDC, L-$-Y-C-B-A-W and Apex Cybernetics)
Payne, Ryan Parson, Giggles The Chipmunk/Chipmunkiller, Cera Threehorn/Destroyer-ceratops The Triceratops, Alameda Slim,Rico, †Mr. Welsey, The Willie Brothers, Noa, Nikolai Dmitri Bulygin, MechaRayburn, MechaRuby, MechaChelsea, MechaGrandmamah, MechaAgatha, Shinjiro, Stan Beals, Madame Gasket and her minions, P.T. Ratchet Gasket, Mr. Gasket, NKDC and SKDC
†Deceased and extinct enemies - Others
†Doom-Ma-Geddon Virus/Error 220, †Tad Tucker, †British Taxi, †Guardian Of Secrets, †Vigo The Carpathian, †Budzo, †Cthulhu, †Zero, †Alexander Anderson, †Greco Rohman, †Rei-Ginsei, †Count Magnus Lee, †Borgoff
Cetaceans, SpongeBob's friends and Bugs Bunny's friends, Mordecai and Rigby's friends, Hellboy's friends, Ghostbusters's friends, Simpson's friends, Tom and Jerry's friends, Otis's friends, Jimmy Neutron's friends, Sheriff Woody's friends, Octonauts team, Godzilla and Kong's friends, DC superhero friends, Emmet's friends, Nick and Judy's friends, Hazel's warrens, Legoshi and Haru's friends, Jack Cayman's friends, Jurassic Team, Bruce's team, Gorillaz members, Kai's friends, Sam Flynn's friends, Manfred's family and friends, Alvin's friends, other friends, whaling ships, Sandefjord, holiday, trips, exploring, fun, Bikini Bottom, working at whaling ships, Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd, playing his HP laptops, headphones, Google, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, drawings, playing toys, reading non-fiction animals, prehistoric animals and marine animals, encyclopedia, history, mammals, evolution and classifying stuff, zoo, wildlife and nature, music, movie theaters, Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures, Omation, O Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Norway, United States, Canada, Arctic and Antarctica, past, present and future, old skool, rain and snow, weather change, bath and shower, mating and breeding, LGBT, swimming, hibernation at winter night, restoration/restored, saving and protecting the mammals, planets and other space, his friends to keep them safe (all times)
Plankton steal Krabby Patty formula, tries to eats Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, tries to eats Foghorn Leghorn and Miss Prissy, told his friends off, arguments, his friends are goes in danger, Doom-Ma-Geddon Virus, antagonists, villains, evil, Trumpers Co. members (includes Donald Trump (ship), Bubble-Poppin' Boys, Cecil Turtle, NKDC and SKDC, Squint Eastwood, Donald Trump, Giggles The Chipmunk, Lotso, Cera Threehorn The Triceratops, Ryan Parson), Tad Tucker, cigarettes, laptops getting old and died, laptop being not responding, Internet wasn't connecting, bankruptcy (especially Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code), too much governments, caused by British human activity, BBFC, silver spiders, bullies, abusive/abuse, decomposing, botfly, maggots, nettles, chumboxes, warts, trypophobianics, parasite, covid/coronavirus, mostly worms
Nettles: Only nettle can stinging and weaken the Chris Bland The Whale
Most worm: Mostly worm can be scoleciphobia/vermiphobia, it will be scared of worms
Cigarettes and cigars: Only most cigarettes and cigars can smoke in the lung and cannot breathe
Chocolates: This chocolates has theobromine poisoning to dogs, cats, mice and rats, bears, and even cetaceans
Poweful and skills and abilities
Fastest, high-speeds, swimming, breaching, filter-feeding and suction-feeding, hunting, ambushing, attacking, defense, escaping from peril, echolocation (possibly)
Weapons and paraphernalias
Venomous bites, sharp teeth, baleen plates, paws/claws-like hooves, tail flukes, harpoons, harpoon guns, harpoon rifle prop guns, small harpoons, harpoon-sword, flensing knives/flensing knife, whale-tooth chainsaw, WB shields, Ghostbuster traps, Aztec Death whistles, his tridents, skullcrusher sledgehammer, his christian crosses, blue fire power, water power, his HP laptop, his youth magic, his magic size (included titan size magic)
Happy, playful, innocent, kind, hyperactive, friendly, funny, childish, energetic, cheerful, fun-loving, enthusiastic, sweet, perky, outgoing, free-spirited, imaginative, well-meaning, excited, charismatic, whimsical, buff, boyish, heroic, pirates, bashful, selfless, comical, forgetful, optimistic, caring, humble, adventurous, clever, do-gooder, multi-talented, occasionally agressive, helpfully, happiness, polite, smart, brave, competent, strong, independent, athletic, self-reliant, feisty, sassy, confident, tough, drama, fantasy, witty, no-nonsensical, abnormal, bubbly, wacky, flippant, insouciant, quirky, always wins, vain, lively, soft, jolly, upbeat, do-gooder, psychomaniac, pleasant, emotional, inventive, intelligent, sporty, isolated, loyal, important, honest, sophisticated, educational, immature, omnivorous, Norwegian-American, furry, controversially bi/pan, sexy/sexist, sexual, romantic, flirty, erotica
Good, hero, protagonist, dueteragonist, tritagonist
LGBT sexuality type
Bisexual, pansexual
❤List of significant others and love interesting❤
♀⚧Pearl The Sperm Whale (wife/spouse/mate/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Jamie The Dolphin (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Sandy Cheeks (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂SpongeBob SquarePants (gay/yaoi/bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Bugs Bunny (gay/yaoi/bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Lola Bunny (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Buster Bunny (gay/yaoi/bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Babs Bunny (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Pepe Le Pew (gay/yaoi/bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Penelope Pussycat (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Fifi La Fume (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Rigby (gay/yaoi/bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Eileen Roberts (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Claudette Dupri (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Miss Cougar (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Unikitty (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Blackberry (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Hyzenthlay/Primrose (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Spartina (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Marigold (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Hazel (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Hickory (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Campion (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Bigwig (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Nick Wilde (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Legoshi (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♂Louis (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Judy Hopps (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Haru (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀⚧Juno (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers)
♀Kari Hare (bisexual/pansexual/LGBT-lovers) (since 2023)
♀⚧Ada The Japanese Titan Rabbit (Titanolagus japonicus) (since 2024)
♂Naka The Japanese Titan Rabbit (Titanolagus japonicus) (since 2024)
When is Thorshavet and other whalers crews is order to hunt few hunt cryptid whales each every year, but until when all whaler ends on April 17, 2025 (success).
To help save the cetaceans and other mammals will be rise up again (success).
To save the Vaquita, Finless Porpoise, Baiji and North Atlantic Right Whale to stop being extinction (success).
To save the oceans and wildlife to get rid of rubbishes (success).
To save the all whales and dolphins and porpoises to stop wipe out against Nerissa Oceanus The Giant Killer Siren/Whale-Eater Siren (Titanosirenius cetophagus) (success, but independent moment).
Tries to escaping from Nerissa Oceanus and other Giant Killer Sirens/Whale-Eater Sirens (Titanosirenius cetophagus) (success).
To help out with his Bugs Bunny and SpongeBob's friends (success and independent).
To become superstar of Hollywood studios and Disney stuff (success).
Putting FOX word back in 20th Century and Searchlight with Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps and they get rid of former enemy Itchy and She-Itchy's friends from 2021-2024 (success).
Defeats the enemy Donald Trump (ship) members (success).
Defeats the Nimue and Carmilla (success, but independent moment).
To be love with wife Pearl The Sperm Whale and his LGBT-lovers exarchontoplacentals (above list of love interest) (success and independent).
Doing his artist and cartoonist, creating his new characters and old characters (success).
Dug up fossil to find new species (success).
To save the United States and Canada, Norway, and Polar Regions, and as well as to save the Japan and France (success).
Save the wild animals against government people and poacher people (success).
Hunt down prey on some animals such as marine reptiles, and some dinosaurs (success, but independent moment).
To make rise of the snow and ice, and rise of of all plants (success).
Helping with B.P.R.D and Monarch (success and independent).
To helping with WWF, Greenpace and Sea Shepherd, and as well as Octonauts (success and independent).
Building his whaler ship model collection in modern-historic version (success).
To save the universe against being red giant (success).
When Britain Isles will be dissolved in 2050s and has been replaced by France and Norway, Japan, US and Canada (idependent).
Less building British Isles against government people (independent).
Color body
Color body: Skin tones, white underside and arms just like Humpback Whale
Color eye: Dark Brown just like Wile E. Coyote
Color hair: Light Brown just like Sandy Cheeks
Home lived
Main home lived
Norway: Sandefjord, and other Norway
United States: Bikini Bottom, Warner Brothers studios, O Entertainment, Omation studios, Nickelodeon, 20th Century Fox, WarnerDiscoveryParamountMedia, New York, Texas, California, Burbank, other United States
Canada: Nature wildlife forest and other Canada
Arctic: Arctic Circle, North Pole, other Arctic
Antarctica: South Georgia, other Antarctica
Former home lived
Britain Isles (formerly) (2010-2025): (all formerly) Grantham (2010-2025), Skegness (2014-2019), Londonthorpe woodlands (2014-2025), Ancaster (2019), Lincoln (2019-2022), Notthingham (2021-2023), Lcester (2022) (for its reason is due to British human activity)
Holiday and trips plan lived
Norway: Sandefjord Hvalfangstmuseet and other Norwegian holiday
Canada: Canadian woodland holiday and other Canadian holiday
United States: Californian beach holiday and other American holiday
Arcitc: Christmas Arctic and other Arctic holiday
Antarctica: Grytviken whaling stations and other Antarctic holiday
France: Paris
Japan: Tokyo and Taiji, Shimonoseki
Formation places lived
Norway: Hell Whale Formation in Sandefjord, Ice Whale Formation in Northern Norway, Prince Whale Formation in Western Norway
United States: Looney Whale Formation in California, SpongeBob SquarePants's Formation in Bikini Bottom, Sandy Cheeks's Formation in Texas
Seasonal months
Winter: November, December, January, February, March
Spring: March, April, May, June
Summer: May, June, July, August, September
Fall: September, October, November, December
Comedy, surreal humor, animated series, slapstick, fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure, sitcom, animation series, animated sitcom, adventure fiction, buddy, hack and slash, furry, beat 'em up, drama, romance, synthwave, humors, Norwegian-American style, controversial, children animation, teen animation, adult animation
Rating types
Norway: A, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Motion Picture Association/MPA: G (General Audiences) All ages admitted, PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) Some material may not be suitable for children, PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13, R (Restricted) Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian, NC-17 (Adults Only) No one 17 and under admitted
TV Parental Guidelines: TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA
ESRB: Rating Pending (RP), Everyone (E), Everyone 10+ (E10), Teen (T), Mature 17+ (M), Adults Only 18+ (AO)
Creators and designer
Matthew Groening, Christopher Bland The Whale, †Stephen Hillenburg (deceased), Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris, Leo Benvenuti, Steve Rudnick, Jeff Siergey, Jessica Borutski, Julia Rothenbuhler-Garcia, James Garland Quintel.
Portrayers and AI recorders
As himself, Frank Welker (concept cetacean voice), Kath Soucie (as younger calf voice), Jeff Bergman (first concept voice), Crispin Freeman (second concept voices), Andrew Philpot (third concept voices), Michael McConnohie (fourth concept voice), John Gremillion (fifth concept voice)
Favorite and Home studios list (with trending)
Warner-Paramount Group (100%) currently (since April 30, 2023)
Warner Bros. Discovery/WarnerMedia/Time Warner/Warner Communication Inc (100%) currently
Warner Bros. (100%) currently
DC (100%) currently
Cartoon Network (100%) currently
Cartoon Network Studios (100%) currently
Boomerang (100%) currently
HBO (100%) currently
HBO Max/Max (100%) currently
Discovery Channel (100%) currently
Discovery Communication Inc/Discovery Inc (100%) currently (1994-2022)
Animal Planet (100%) currently
Paramount Global/ViacomCBS/Viacom (100%) currently
Paramount Pictures (100%) currently
Nickelodeon (100%) currently
Omation (100%) currently
O Entertainment (100%) currently
United Plankton Pictures (100%) currently
AT&T (100%) currently (WarnerMedia's owner from 2018-2023)
National Amusement (100%) currently (ViacomCBS's owner from 1986-2023)
20th Century Fox/20th Century Studios (100%) currently
20th Century Fox Animation/20th Century Animation (100%) currently
20th Century Fox Television/20th Television (100%) currently
Fox Searchlight Pictures/Searchlight Pictures (100%) currently
Blue Sky Studios (100%) currently (1987-2021)
Fox Entertainment (100%) currently
Fox Entertainment Group (100%) currently (1990-2019)
Fox Corporation (100%) currently
Motion Picture Association/MPA (100%) currently
National Geographic (100%) currently (it's owned by Disney in 2018/2019)
Regency Enterprise (100%) currently
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/MGM (99%) stabled (it's owned by Amazon Studios in 2022)
United Artists (99%) stabled (1919-2023)
Legendary Pictures/Legendary Entertainment (99%) stabled
Village Roadshow Pictures (99%) stabled
The Walt Disney Company/Disney (99%) increasing
Walt Disney Studios (99%) increasing
Walt Disney Pictures (99%) increasing
Walt Disney Animation Studios (99%) increasing
Disney XD (99%) increasing
Pixar (99%) stabled
Sony Corporation/Sony (99%) stabled
Sony Pictures Entertainment (99%) stabled
Columbia Pictures (99%) stabled
TriStar Pictures (99%) stabled
Revolution Studios (99%) stabled
Dark Horse Entertainment (99%) stabled
Netflix (99%) stabled
Miramax (99%) stabled
Nintendo (99%) stabled
SEGA (99%) stabled
Toho (99%) stabled
NHK (99%) stabled
Relativity Media (99%) stabled
Universal Pictures (99%) stabled
Amblin Entertainment/Amblin (99%) stabled
Triggerfish Animation Studios (93%) stabled
ImageMovers Digital (92%) stabled
Lionsgate (90%) stabled
Twisted Pictures (89%) stabled
Note studio
But on until the September 10, 2024, Christopher Bergen The Whale and his Comcast team has announce that it would be DreamWorks shutting down at November 18, 2024, but due to the economic impact of the "wormophobia/vermiphobia", this will be successor by Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment and Illumination.
Under the terms of the acquisition, The Walt Disney Company will be phase out the BBC (includes BBC America) and ITV and BBFC brands usage by 2049 and they successor of Apple TV.
Whaler companies used
A/S Thor Dahl Ltd (Norway and United States)
A/S Rosshavet Ltd (Norway)
Kosmos Ltd (Norway)
Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd/Kyodo Hogei (Japan)
Favorite films, television series, video games, bands and scene (trending)
Looney Tunes (100%) currently (G, PG, TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14)
SpongeBob SquarePants (100%) currently (PG, TV-7 TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14)
Regular Show (100%) currently (TV-PG, TV-14)
Big Miracle (100%) currently (PG)
Free Willy (100%) currently (PG)
Whale Wars (100%) currently (TV-14)
National Geographic: Kingdom of the Blue Whale (100%) currently (PG)
Blackfish (100%) currently (PG-13)
The Cove (100%) currently (PG-13)
Hell Below Zero (100%) currently (PG)
Orca 1977 (100%) currently (PG-13)
Ocean Voyagers (100%) currently) (PG)
In the Heart of the Sea (100%) currently (PG-13)
Whale Hunter (100%) currently (PG-13)
Whale Rider (100%) currently (PG-13)
Dolphin Tale (100%) currently (PG)
Ice Age (100%) currently (PG)
Brother Bear (100%) currently (G)
Bambi (100%) currently (G)
Watership Down (100%) currently (PG)
Zootopia (100%) currently (PG)
Beastars (100%) currently (TV-MA)
Tom and Jerry (100%) currently (G, PG)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (100%) (currently) (G, PG)
We Bare Bears (100%) (currently) (TV-7, TV-G, TV-PG)
Barnyard (100%) currently (PG)
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius (100%) currently (G)
Ace Ventura (100%) currently (PG-13)
Phineas and Ferb (100%) currently (TV-G and TV-PG)
The Lego Movie (100%) currently (PG)
Hellboy (100%) currently (notes: John Hurt passed away in January 25, 2017) (PG-13, R)
The Simpsons (100%) currently (TV-PG, TV-14, PG-13)
Ghostbusters (100%) currently (PG, PG-13)
Animal Face-Off (100%) currently (TV-PG)
Ice Age Giants (100%) currently (TV-PG)
Cartoon Network's Clarence (100%) currently stabled (TV-PG)
The Amazing World of Gumball (100%) currently stabled (2011-2019) (TV-7, TV-G, TV-PG)
Tron (100%) currently (PG)
Discovery Channel's Secrets of the Deep (100%) currently (TV-PG) (2006)
Whale Hunters: An Untold Story (100%) currently (TV-14) (2014)
Discovery Channel's Planet Earth (100%) stabled (TV-PG) (2006-2023)
Discovery Channel's Blue Planet: Sea of Life (100%) stabled (TV-PG) (2001-2023)
Discovery Channel's Frozen Planet (100%) stabled (TV-PG) (2010-2023)
Discovery Channel's The Life of Mammals (100%) stabled (TV-PG) (2002-2003)
Octonauts (99%) stabled (2010-2020s; until spunoff as Above and Beyond in 2020s) (G, TV-Y) (only alongside with few Disney, Sony, and Netflix)
Gorillaz (99%) stabled (TV-PG, TV-14)
Shark Week (99%) stabled (TV-G, TV-PG)
Shaaark! (99%) stabled (PG-13)
Toy Story (99%) stabled (G)
The Little Mermaid (99%) stabled (G, PG)
MonsterVerse (99%) stabled (1933-present) (PG-13)
The Meg (99%) stabled (PG-13)
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World franchises (99%) stabled (1993-present) (PG-13, TV-PG, TV-14)
Dinosaur Revolution/Dinotasia (99%) stabled (2011) (TV-PG)
Discovery's When Dinosaurs Ruled and PaleoWorld (99%) stabled (1993-1999) (TV-PG)
When Dinosaurs Roamed America (99%) stabled (2001) (PG)
Discovery's Dinosaur Planet (99%) stabled (2003) (TV-PG)
Monsters Resurrected (99%) stabled (TV-PG)
Jurassic Fight Club (99%) stabled (2008) (TV-14)
NHK Amazing Dinoworld/Dinosaur Superworld (99%) stabled (2018-2023)
National Geographic's dinosaur documentary (99%) stabled
Walking with.../Life of Trilogy series (98%) stabled (1999-2025) (TV-14, PG)
Planet Dinosaur (98%) stabled (notes: John Hurt passed away in January 25, 2017) (TV-PG)
MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns (95%) stabled (M17)
Adventures in Zambezia (93%) stabled (G)
Mars Needs Moms (93%) (Gribble moment scenes favorite and ending scene) stabled (PG)
Mr. Bean (90%) stabled (1990-2016) (G, PG PG-13, TV-7, TV-G, TV-PG)
Finding Dory/Nemo (88%) (scenes: Bruce, Anchor, Chum, Whale, ending scenes) stabled (2003-2016) (G and PG)
The Fifth Elements (86%) stabled (PG-13)
Sin City (86%) stabled (R)
The Croods (85%) stabled (2013-2021) (PG)
Saw and Inkagames's Saw cartoon web game (82%) stabled (R, M17, T, E)
Hellsing (78%) stabled (TV-MA)
Vampire Hunter D (78%) stabled (R)
Adventure and comedy films
The SpongeBob Movie: Adventurous Whaler (PG)
The SpongeBob Movie: Fallen Britain (PG-13)
The SpongeBob Movie: New Home of Norway-US (PG)
Looney Tunes: Exploring Whale (PG)
Looney Tunes: Hare Love (base on model of Space Jam/original Looney Tunes characters (PG)
The White South (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (PG)
There She Blows! (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (PG)
Regular Show (CGI film) (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (PG-13)
Whales: The Mightiest Ever (producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself, and directed by Jeff Siergey and Christopher Bland The Whale) (base on model of Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run characters) (R)
Whale Party (directors, producers, written storyboard and voice as himself, and their cetaceans) (G)
The Whaler (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (PG)
The Harpoons (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (PG-13)
Synthwhale (voice as himself) (PG)
Laurasiatheroglires (film) (voice as himself) (PG)
Hell Below Zero (animated film) (voice as himself) (PG-13)
You Don't Mess with the Lola Bunny (voice as himself) (base on model of New Looney Tunes/Wabbit characters) (PG-13)
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (PG)
MadWorld (base on hack and slash video games) (directed by Mr. Del Toro and Christopher Bland The Whale) (R)
Watership Down (CGI film) (directed by Jeff Siergey and Mr. Del Toro, Christopher Bland The Whale voice as himself) (PG)
Thor Dahl (film) (named after Norwegian whalers is Thor Dahl starts in 1887) (voice by himself) (PG)
Thor Dahl: Rise of Woundwort (voice by himself) (PG-13)
The SpongeBob Movie/Looney Tunes: G.I.JOE (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale and Jeff Siergey) (live action/animated hybrid) (PG-13)
Ice Age (reboot) (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (PG)
Pleistocene (film) (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale and voice of cetaceans) (PG)
Whale Park
66 million years ago (film) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (PG-13)
Hellboy (2044 film) (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale and voice as himself) (PG-13)
The Lego Looney Tunes Movie (voice as himself) (PG)
The Lego SpongeBob Movie (voice as himself) (PG)
The Lego Laurasiatheroglires Movie (voice as himself) (PG)
The Croods (reboot) (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (it's currently owned by Universal Pictures) (PG)
SpongeBob-Looney Tunes Movie: Egon's Afterlife (voice as himself) (for Harold Ramis 1944-2014) (PG-13)
NC-17 films
Lola's Noods (film base on comic by Jaykasai, directed by Jeff Siergey, and producer and written by Christopher Bland The Whale and voice as TV Narrator documentary whales) (base on model of Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run characters)
Laurasiatheroglires of Love (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale and voice as himself)
World Fur Cup (film base on comic by Furnut, directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (base on model of original Looney Tunes and Space Jam 1996)
Lola and Judy: Bunny Matters (film base on comic by Furnut and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (base on model of Space Jam 1996/original Looney Tunes and Zootopia)
Crime films
The Cove (animated film) (voice as himself) (PG-13)
Sin City (animated films) (voice by himself) (Neo-noir/drama/adventure/comedy/thriller/superhero/mystery/crime/anthology/mafia/psychomaniac/animated films) (R)
The Matrix (reboot) (voice as himself) (R)
Thriller films
Blue Whale Challenge (director, storyboard and voice as himself) (PG-13)
Gothika Whale (voice by himself) Whales Bloodlust (voice by himself) (R)
Boo Hag (voice by himself) (R)
Whale of the Dead (voice by himself) (R)
Zombie Whale (voice by himself) (R)
Abyss (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (PG-13)
Bloodlust of Whalers (voice as himself) (R)
SpongeBob-Looney Tunes Movie: Battle of The Golden Army (voice as himself) (PG-13)
SpongeBob-Looney Tunes Movie: Hunt of Last Vampire (voice as himself) (R)
SpongeBob-Looney Tunes Movie: The Rise of Queen of the Monster (voice as himself) (R)
Vampire Hunter D (reboot) (R)
Freddy Fazbear in Around The World (as himself but complete muted and still silence) (R)
TV series
SpongeBob SquarePants and his Friends (director, producer, written, storyboard, and voice as himself) (TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14)
Upcoming Jimmy Neutron TV series (voice as himself) (TV-Y,TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG)
Upcoming Barnyard series (voice as himself) (TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG)
Walking with Dinosaurs: Animals of Norway (voice as himself, and their cetaceans) (TV-PG)
Walking with Dinosaurs: Animals of Bikini Atoll (voice as himself, and their cetaceans) (TV-PG)
The Laurasiatheroglires Show (voice as himself) (TV-PG, TV-14)
Hellboy (animated series) (voice as himself) (TV-PG, TV-14)
Upcoming Looney Tunes (directors, producers written, storyboard, and voice as himself)
TuneSquad Epilogue/The End of the TuneSquad (directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (after Space Jam: A New Legacy, but 3rd sequel film are eventually has been canceled)
A Dinosaur's Life (PG)
Walking With Dinosaurs (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Walking With Prehistoric Beasts (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Before the Dinosaurs: Walking With Monsters (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Chased by Dinosaurs (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Chased by Sea Monsters (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Dinosaur Revolution (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Planet Dinosaur (reboot) (storyboard and directed by Christopher Bland The Whale) (TV-14)
Discovery's When Dinosaurs Ruled (reboot) (TV-PG or TV-14)
When Dinosaurs Roamed America (reboot) (PG-13)
Jurassic Fight Club (reboot) (TV-14)
The Life of Cetaceans The World of Laurasiatheroglires (TV-PG)
The Ballad of Laurasiatheroglires The Ballad of Whales/The Ballad of Cetaceans (TV-PG)
Amazing Laurasiatheroglires Superworld (TV-PG)
Video games
Whale Rapper World (AO)
Anarchy Requiem Dominion Reign Whale (M)
Upcoming SpongeBob games (E, E10, T)
Upcoming Looney Tunes games (E, E10, T)
Note films
However, in 2021 Christopher Bland The Whale said that it would still love to finish the trilogy with Davy The Whale and original Looney Tunes (including Space Jam, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, The Looney Tunes Show/TLTS, Looney Tunes: Rabbits Run/LT: RR, and New Looney Tunes/NLT/Wabbit), ignoring the SJ: ANL (that's because of Lola goes loosing her breasts, and Pepe has been lost, and M.D. Lee did), and that he thought it could happen if financing could be found.
In future, Chris Bland The Whale has announce about SpongeBob SquarePants series will to be merges with Looney Tunes, this will be after final episode of SpongeBob TV series spun-off (without water-helmet for SpongeBob's friends/water-helmet has canceled), and here brand-new PG-13 rated as well.
Hasbro (100%) currently (since in 1923) (throughout with Disney, DC and other WB and Jurassic World)
Mattel (100%) currently (since in 1945) (throughout with Disney, DC and other WB, SpongeBob, and Jurassic Park/World)
Fisher-Price (100%) currently (since in 1930) (throughout with Disney, WB, SpongeBob and Jurassic Park)
Funko (100%) currently (since in 1998) (throughout with WB (Looney Tunes, DC, and others), SpongeBob, Ghostbusters, Finding Dory/Nemo, and Jurassic Park/World)
Kenner (100%) currently (1946-2000) (throughout with DC and Jurassic Park)
Safari Ltd (100%) currently (since in 1982)
Tyco (100%) currently (1926-1997) (throughout with Looney Tunes)
Larami (100%) currently (1947-2002)
Ja-Ru (100%) currently (since in 1961)
Jakks Pacific (100%) currently (since in 1995)
K&M International (100%) currently (since in 1979)
Battat (100%) currently (since in 1897)
Tomy (100%) currently (since in 1924) (throughout with Jurassic Park/World)
Takara Tomy (100%) currently (since in 1955) (throughout with Jurassic Park/World)
Kaiyodo (100%) currently (since in 1964) (throughout with Zootopia and Jurassic Park/World)
Colorata (100%) currently
Bandai (100%) currently (since in 1950) (throughout with Finding Dory)
Favorite Co. (100%) currently
Papo (100%) currently (since in 1983)
Lego (100%) currently (since in 1933) (throughout with Looney Tunes, SpongeBob, Simpsons, DC, The Lego Movie, and Jurassic Park/World)
Creative Beast Studio (99%) stabled
Bullyland (99%) stabled (since in 1973) (throughout with Looney Tunes, SpongeBob, Zootopia, Finding Dory, Disney, DC, Toy Story)
Schleich (99%) stabled (since in 1935) (throughout with DC)
Playmobil (99%) stabled (since in 1974) (throughout with Ghostbusters)
Kinder Surprise (99%) stabled (throughout with Looney Tunes, SpongeBob SquarePants, DC, Ice Age, Jurassic Park/World, Disney)
Geoworld (99%) stabled (since in 1988)
Maia and Borge (99%) stabled)
PNSO (99%) stabled (since in 2010)
CollectA (99%) stabled (since in 2005)
AAA (99%) stabled (since in 1968)
Recur/Shenzhen Ankyl (99%) stabled (since in 2011)
Wing Crown (98%) stabled (since in 1988)
Mojo Fun (98%) stabled (since in 2009) (throughout with Animal Planet from 2013-2022)
Toy Major (98%) stabled
Unknown Chinese toy company (98%) stabled
Disney Store
Toys "R" Us
The Lego Group
Big Lots Store
Entertainment Earth
Fredrick August Otto Schwarz
Five Below
KB Toys
Kip's Toyland
Ollie's Bargain Outlet
Lakeshore Learning Materials
Learning Express Toys
SW Randall Toyes and Giftes
Store of Knoweldge
Target Corporation
Zany Brainy
Mastermind LP
Other North American shopping line
Norwegian shopping line
Info wikis
Christopher Bland The Norwegian Venomous Whale (Norsk: Kristofer Braadland De Norsk-giftig-hval) is a main hero protagonist from crossover Looney Tunes.
Norwegian Venomous Whale
Temporal range: Early Pleistocene-Present Day.
Data Deficient (DD)
Kingdom: Animals (Animalia)
Phylum: Chordates (Chordata)
Superclass: Tetrapods (Tetrapoda)
Clade: Amniotes (Amniota)
Clade: Synapsids (Synapsida)
Clade: Therapsids (Therapsida)
Clade: Cynodonts (Cynodontia)
Clade: Eucynodonts (Eucynodontia)
Clade: Mammaliamorph (Mammalimorpha)
Clade: Mammaliaformes (Mammaliaformes)
Class: Mammals (Mammalia/Mammalians)
Subclass: Theria (Theria)
Clade: Eutheria (Eutheria)
Infraclass: Placentals (Placentalia/Placentalians)
Magnorder: Neoplacentals (Neoplacentalia) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2020)
Superorder: Laurasiatheroglires (Laurasiatheroglires) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2019) (down below here)
Grandorder: Laurasiatheres (Laurasiatheria)
Clade: Ferungulates (Ferungulata)
Mirorder: Ungulates (Ungulata)
Clade: Euungulates (Euungulata)
Clade: Artiodactylamorph (Artiodactylamorpha)
Order: Even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla/Cetartiodactyla)
Clade: Cetancodontamorph (Cetancodontamorpha)
Clade: Cetaceopterygians (Cetaceopterygia) (Bergen, Bunny and Bunny, Cheeks, others, 2021) (down below here)
Suborder: Whippomorph (Whippomorpha)
Clade: Cetaceamorph (Cetaceamorpha)
Clade: Cetaceaformes (Cetaceaformes) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2020)
Infraorder: Cetacean (Cetaceans/Cetacea)
Clade: Eucetaceamorph (Eucetaceamorpha) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2020)
Clade: Eucetaceaformes (Eucetaceaformes) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2020)
Clade: Eucetacean (Eucetaceans/Eucetacea) (Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2020)
Clade: Pelagicetes (Pelagiceti)
Clade: Neocetes (Neoceti)
Parvorder: Baleen Whale (Mysticeti)
Clade: Kinetomente (Kinetomenta)
Clade: Chaeomysticete (Chaeomysticeti)
Superfamily: Balaenopteroid (Balaenopteroidea)
Family: Rorqual Whale (Balaenopteridae)
Subfamily: Megapterine (Megapterinae)
Tribes: Megapterini (Sandy Cheeks, 2014)
Genus: Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900)
Species: Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus) (Carolus Linnaeus, 1758) (originally as "Balaena norvegicus")
Norwayan Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus norvegicus) (Carolus Linnaeus, 1758)
American Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus americanus) (Skips, 1870)
Antarctic Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus antarcticus) (John The Whale, 1899)
Sandefjord Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus sandefjordicus) (Whalen the Whale, John The Whale, Elizabeth the Whale, 1947)
Grytviken Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus grytvikenensis) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Oddvar The Whale, Larsen The Whale, Clark The Whale, 1948)
New York Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus newyorkicus) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1980)
Californian Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus californicus) (Davy The Whale, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1994)
Texas Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus texanus) (Davy The Whale, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Sandy Cheeks, 1995)
Bugs Bunny's Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus bugsbunnyii) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris, Leo Benvenuti, Steve Rudnick, Joe Pytka, 1996)
Lola Bunny's Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus lolabunnyii) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Herschel Weingrod, Timothy Harris, Leo Benvenuti, Steve Rudnick, Joe Pytka, 1996)
SpongeBob SquarePants's Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus squarepantsii) (SpongeBob SquarePants, Sandy Cheeks, Stephen Hillenburg, 1999)
Sandy Cheeks's Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus sandycheeksii) (SpongeBob Squarepants, Sandy Cheeks, Stephen Hillenburg, 1999)
Christopher's Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus christopherblandii) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2014)
Canadian Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus canadensis) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Christopher Bergen The Whale, 2015)
Alaskan Norwegian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera norvegicus alaskaensis) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Christopher Bland The Whale, 2015)
Neoplacentals (Neoplacentalia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Neotheres (Neotheria) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Exarchontoplacentals (Exarchontoplacentalia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Exprimatoplacentals (Exprimatoplacentalia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Cetoglires (Cetoglires) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Supracetaceans (Supracetacea) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Cetaceoglires (Cetaceoglires) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Supralaurasiatheres (Supralaurasiatheria) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Supracetes (Supraceti) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Cetolagomorphs (Cetolagomorpha) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Lagocetaceans (Lagocetacea) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Lagocetes (Lagoceti) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Cetorodents (Cetorodentia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2019)
Cetaceopterygians (Cetaceopterygia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, Pearl Krabs, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Sandy Cheeks and SpongeBob SquarePants, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Davy The Whale, 2021)
Cetopterygians (Cetopterygia) (Christopher Bland The Whale, Pearl The Sperm Whale, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Sandy Cheeks and SpongeBob SquarePants, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Davy The Whale, 2021)
Neocetaceamorph (Neocetaceamorpha) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Neocetaceaformes (Neocetaceaformes) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Neocetaceans (Neocetacea) (Christopher Bland The Whale, 2020)
Balaena (Carolus Linnaeus, 1758)
Balaenoptera (Bernard Germain De Lacépède, 1804)
Megaptera (John Edward Gray, 1846)
Oryctolagobalaena (Elmer Fudd, 1874)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera (Elmer Fudd, 1874)
Oryctolagomegaptera (Elmer Fudd, 1874)
Leporobalaena (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1890)
Leporobalaenoptera (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1893)
Leporomegaptera (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1897)
Sciurobalaena (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck SquarePants, 1899)
Sciurobalaenoptera (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck SquarePants, 1899)
Sciuromegaptera (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck SquarePants, 1899)
Sarcoptera (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900) (currently)
Balaena norvegicus (Carolus Linnaeus, 1758)
Balaena cuniculus (Carolus Linnaeus, 1766)
Balaena bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1776)
Balaena lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1776)
Balaena porkypigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1800)
Balaena petuniapigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1800)
Balaenoptera norvegicus (Skips, 1839)
Balaenoptera cuniculus (Whalen The Whale, John The Whale, Skips, Techmo, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1840)
Balaenoptera bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1851)
Balaenoptera lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1851)
Balaenoptera porkypigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1857)
Balaenoptera petuniapigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1857)
Megaptera norvegicus (Skips, 1860)
Megaptera cuniculus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1870)
Megaptera bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1871)
Megaptera lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1871)
Megaptera porkypigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1873)
Megaptera petuniapigii (Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, 1873)
Oryctolagobalaena norvegicus (Elmer Fudd, 1874)
Oryctolagobalaena cuniculus (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1875)
Oryctolagobalaena bugsbunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1875)
Oryctolagobalaena lolabunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1875)
Oryctolagobalaena porkypigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1876)
Oryctolagobalaena petuniapigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1876)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera norvegicus (Elmer Fudd, 1877)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera cuniculus (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1878)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera bugsbunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1878)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera lolabunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1878)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera porkypigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1879)
Oryctolagobalaenoptera petuniapigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1879)
Oryctolagomegaptera norvegicus (Elmer Fudd, 1880)
Oryctolagomegaptera cuniculus (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1882)
Oryctolagomegaptera bugsbunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1885)
Oryctolagomegaptera lolabunnyii (Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1885) (formerly)
Oryctolagomegaptera porkypigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1888)
Oryctolagomegaptera petuniapigii (Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Petunia Pig, Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1888)
Leporobalaena norvegicus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1890)
Leporobalaena cuniculus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1890)
Leporobalaena bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1891)
Leporobalaena lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1891)
Leporobalaenoptera norvegicus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1893)
Leporobalaenoptera cuniculus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1893)
Leporobalaenoptera bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1895)
Leporobalaenoptera lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1895)
Leporomegaptera norvegicus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1897)
Leoporomegaptera cuniculus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1897)
Leporomegaptera bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1899)
Leporomegaptera lolabunnnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, 1899)
Sciurobalaena norvegicus (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck SquarePants, 1899)
Sciurobalaenoptera norvegicus (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck Squarepants, 1899)
Sciuromegaptera norvegicus (John The Whale, Whalen The Whale, SpongeBuck SquarePants, 1899)
Sarcoptera cuniculus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900)
Sarcoptera bugsbunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900)
Sarcoptera lolabunnyii (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900)
Sarcoptera norvegicus (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1900) (currently)
French Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera francii) (Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat, 1940)
Icelandic Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera icelandicus) (Mr. Eugene H. Krabs, 1986)
Mexican Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera mexicanus) (Speedy Gonzales, 1954)
Nippon Venomous Whale/Japanese Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera japonicus) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, 1930)
Tasmanian Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera tasmanianus) (Tasmanian Devil, 1959)
Malagasy Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera madagascariensis) (Mr. Eugene H. Krabs, Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd, Skips, Techmo, 1989)
Steller's Venomous Whale (Sarcoptera stelleriensis) (Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, Daffy Duck and Melissa Duck/Tina Russo, 1947)
Living: All around Norway, few Great Britain, all around United States, all around Canada. Antarctica including South Georgia such as Grytviken.
Diets: Omnivores, they ate phytoplankton, algae, carrots, veggies, friuts, grass, sea grass, seaweed, kelps, acorns, and they hunting preying which including Actinopterygii fishes such as mackerels, tunas, sardines, herrings, salmons, and cods; crustaceans such as krills, prawns, shrimps; little animals such as zooplanktons; cephalopods such as hooked squid; plesiosauroids such as Loch-Ness Monsters, Ogopogo, Champ, and Morgawr; mosasaurs such as U-28 Lizard; primate Archonta such as Vampire and Homunculi; weasels such as Stoat, Pine Marten; deers such as Megaloceros; other rorqual whales such as Giglioli's Whale, Bloop Whale, other cryptid baleen whales; they ate scavengers and carrions.
Predation: Other cetaceans like dolphins Alula Whale; basilosaurids Cadborosaurus; other baleen whales House On The Rock Whale; flesh-eater seals Leopard Seals; target battle of mosasaurs U-28 Lizard.
Other name: Norway's Venomous Humpback, Norway's Venomous Rorqual, Squirrel Humpback, Squirrel Rorqual, Squirrel Whale, Sandy Cheeks's Whale, Bugs Bunny's Whale, Lola Bunny's Whale, Hare Whale, Hare Humpback, Hare Rorqual, Wabbit Whale, Wabbit Humpback, Wabbit Rorqual, Rabbit Whale, Rabbit Humpback, Rabbit Rorqual
looney tunes
spongebob squarepants
baleen whale
rorqual whale
rorqual whales
baleen whales
even-toed ungulate
even-toed ungulates
2 years, 4 months ago
24 Oct 2022 00:34 CEST
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