An accident that occurred in Vikki's lab, while Mathy and Sony became female moths because of Vikki's moth gun, was in the room to help Vikki as well as they could, but also to take care of their free time.
The slimbiote Vikki had captured last time, in a meteorite was released in his container, while the scientist moth was studying. All the moths in the lab are caught by the slimebiote who immediately begins to activate his self-defense mode to fatten the three moths with his slime body.
Sony and Mathy were in panic mode of this situation, when suddenly, Vikki tells them to calm down, that we are not in danger, that we fear nothing. Everything is perfectly under control. The only problem is that we will have to let ourselves be fattened until Slimebiote has finished with us.
Mathy reacted with surprise with this, but let herself be captured and fattened. While Sony, she took it with anger and refused to let it go to become even bigger than at this moment.
Only Vikki seems to take her calmly, but we notice that she seems to blush, but what? Shame, embarrassment or pleasure. Who knows ?