why the blush, gavia? are you moved by the first care and affection you've received in ages? well, you are damn right. damn right. [i'm tiping this smiling like the idiot that i am] 💗 also: (obscure reference ahead) they are not like Florence Ungar and Olive Madison, right? :-)
why the blush, gavia? are you moved by the first care and affection you've received in ages? well,
God, that last panel is just the sweetest thing~<3 That big wing shall protect Zandra from all the nightmares~ Also I love how Laurel got comfortable and put her head down on the edge, meanwhile Zandra is just sitting there looking completely dumbfounded... I have a feeling she likes this very much~ :3 That blush is sooo adorable!
Can't repeat enough how fantastic this comic is!
God, that last panel is just the sweetest thing~<3 That big wing shall protect Zandra from all the n