“Alright, I can do this,” Confidence reached for her front doorknob then paused and withdrew, “OK just breathe just walk to his house and ask him out.” Confidence took a couple deep breaths.
“Going to ask Love Heart out?”
“Yow!” Confidence spun around to see Tori standing behind her, “How do you sneak up on me like that?!”
“I’m used to you, but seriously were you going to ask him on a date?”
“Yes, I mean...” Confidence stumbled.
“So what were you going to do? Just walk up to his door and ask: will you go out with me?”
“Well... yeah... but I mean...” Confidence seemed to stumble over her words.
“If you did that were you hoping he’d feel too awkward saying no? Do you have any real plans for this?” Tori asked.
“Not really...” Confidence sighed, “Maybe this was a bad idea but I thought,” she touched one of her steel piercings and winced slightly, “he noticed I got piercings, I think he likes me too and he got over Harmony.”
Tori ruffled her hair which made to flinch away, “Just listen to me, Cassandra: first be confident like your whole Care Bear Cousin deal, second plan something to do so you don’t just wander around town and idly chat, and third call him on the phone and ask him after you have a plan, that way it will be less awkward and he’ll feel comfortable rejecting you.”
“Hey!” Confidence bristled, her ears going flat, “What make you so sure he’s going to reject me!?”
“I’m not, but if he feels pressured to accept when you just show up at his door it might make things start off awkwardly, so take my advice. Or don’t and then I can watch you fail, Squirt,” Tori ruffled her hair one last time as he left for work.
“Don’t call me squirt, Tori!” Confidence brushed her hair back with a hand then sighed. She had to admit he had good points and she pulled out her heartphone to look for something to do.
“Let’s see, don’t want something too intimate but maybe... a movie!” she started checking the show times for the local theaters then grinned and dialed Love Heart’s number.
Love Heart was in the middle of a video game when his heartphone rang. “Here take over, Kero.” He passed the controller to the guardian beast, who had been watching him play.
“Hey what?! Ahh!” Kero had to drop the control on the floor and pound at each button and the D-pad with a full hand.
Love Heart ignored Kero’s sudden shouts of effort and stepped out of the living room as he saw who was calling, “Hi, Confidence.”
“Hey, Love Heart,” Confidence Heart felt her face grow hot, “I was wondering, do you want to see a movie with me today?”
“Sure!” Love Heart’s face lit up, “What movie?”
“Well, DC Superpets is showing at 1:30, and I was thinking...” Confidence had to take a deep breath as her face was almost completely red now, “Maybe we could go out for lunch first?”
“I’d love that! I mean...” Love Heart started to blush as the implication of what she was asking set in. “Confidence, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yes!” Confidence answered immediately.
“Alright! I’ll meet you at the portal!” Love Heart hung up. He was smiling and blushing, “I have a date. I have a date with Confidence Heart! Kero I gotta go, I have a date!”
“Alright, have fun... YES YES YES YES YES!” Kero shouted as he finished the level Love Heart had been stuck on as Love Heart ran up the stairs to his room.
The Jump was napping on Love Heart’s bed when he burst in and grabbed some cargo shorts and a green t-shirt to pull on, as he had been unclothed until that point. The Jump gave Love Heart an odd look. “What’s going on?”
“I have a date!” Love Heart was grinning as he pulled his cargo vest on and grabbed his wallet and keys then ran to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror, “Kero’s downstairs, see ya!” Love Heart left his bedroom door open as he tore out the front door.
The Jump hopped downstairs and landed on the couch to watch Kero playing the game. “Keroberos, what’s a date?” it asked.
“It’s a thing humans go on with someone they really like, Oh yeah! Take that!” Kero was only half paying attention to The Jump, who was still bewildered.
Confidence was already waiting at the portal wearing jeans and a yellow t-shirt when Love Heart arrived. “Hey!” Confidence waved as he arrived, “Ready for lunch?”
“Yeah,” Love Heart blushed again, “So where to?”
“This Japanese place right by the theater, com’on!” She reached out for Love Heart’s hand. He smiled and accepted her hand to let her lead him to the restaurant.
While they sat at a table waiting for their lunch Confidence was staring happily at Love Heart.
“So... you like me right, Confidence?” Love Heart asked then realized how dumb it sounded and averted his gaze.
Confidence nodded, “Yeah. I’ve had a crush on you for years but you were so focused on Harmony I didn’t say anything.”
“Really... god I’m so stupid,” Love Heart slumped forwards, “I should have noticed.”
“No, you’re not stupid,” Confidence reached over to touch his shoulder which made Love Heart look up at her, her ears were down, “I mean I should have said something I guess but I was afraid you’d reject me because you were holding out for Harmony.” She pulled her hand back.
“And we all saw how that turned out, but I guess it worked out,” he smiled and took her hand, “I mean you’ve been helping me with the Clow Cards all summer... were you hoping I’d notice you on the rebound.”
Confidence Heart averted her look, her ears drooping further, “Yeah, kind of. I mean I want to help and spend time with you but I guess I was hoping you’d notice me too... Now I feel like crap.”
Love Heart laughed nervously, “We’ve both been pretty bad about this. Thank you for everything.”
“Really?” Confidence turned back to him, her ears still down.
“Yes. I couldn’t have caught most of the Clow Cards without you, especially The Sword Card,” Love Heart blushed, “I like you a lot too, Confidence.”
Confidence ears stood up and she blushed too. Thankfully they were called to get their food which gave them a reason to stop talking while they ate. After lunch they headed for the theater, bought their tickets and snacks and made their way to seats near the middle of the mostly empty theater.
“Think this’ll be good?” Confidence asked as they sat down.
“Even if it isn’t, at least I’m seeing it with someone I like,” Love Heart reached to put an arm around Confidence. She was a bit startled but leaned up against him, at least as much as she could in the theater seats, as the movie trailers began. They both only stopped briefly to turn off their heartphones when the ads prompted them to do so. By the time they finished their snacks partway into the movie, they were cuddling.
Cozy Heart Penguin had taken a part time job at the Readington Aquarium. As expected the purple penguin got along great with the normal penguins and was even allowed to work with the other penguin trainers during their shows, which she was doing right now. Today she had asked and been allowed to perform with them and she dove into the performance tank alongside the other penguins. The audience was packed and all the children watching, which included Sweet Heart and Pretty Heart, cheered as Cozy Heart jumped and swam around with the other penguins, even jumping for food and through hoops.
About halfway through the show, a whirlpool sprang up in the water. A disc of water formed and sucked some of the penguins in. Cozy Heart tried to dive and save them only to be caught up in the whirlpool, even her Cousin Call had no effect as she was caught and spun around, getting dizzy and nearly drowning until one of the other trainers dove in and managed to actually grab the whirlpool and pull it open long enough for Cozy Heart and the other penguins to swim up and jump out of the water where Cozy lay panting on the edge while staring at the ceiling as one of the trainers came to check on her.
In the audience, Sweet Heart was up on her hooves and frantically trying to pull out her heartphone.
“Sweet Heart, what is it?” Pretty Heart looked up at her friend.
“I have to call my brother,” Sweet Heart finally pulled out her phone, “That was a Clow Card!” Sweet Heart was visibly sweating as she dialed Love Heart’s phone.
Kero and The Jump felt the flash of insight through their minds and turned to the window, “It’s a Clow Card, and one of the four elements.”
“I know,” The Jump hopped up onto the nearby windowsill as Kero floated up beside it, “Is Love Heart ready for it?”
“He’ll have to be, it’s too dangerous to leave loose.” A sound from the television made Kero whip around, “Oh noooo!” He dove at the controller, “I almost beat him too...”
The Jump just sighed at the guardian beast’s immaturity. Thankfully Kero left the game controller to try and call Love Heart on the heartphone they had made for him just in case he had to contact Love Heart while he was out.
Love Heart didn’t feel his magical sense go off during the movie, too focused on his date and laughing more than he expected during the film. He and Confidence exited the film with her arm around his shoulders. Love Heart was in the bathroom when he turned his heartphone back on, and almost immediately felt it vibrate for a straight minute, then saw the seven missed calls and 20 messages he’d received during the film.
Confidence was happily rocking back and forth on her feet when Love Heart burst out of the bathroom.
“We’ve got trouble! It’s a Clow Card!”
“What?” Confidence was instantly alert.
“I’ll explain on the way, com’on!” Love Heart and Confidence ran out of the theater as Love Heart called Kero back. “Yeah, I know now, I’ll meet you there with the book.” He hung up and called Sweet Heart, “Where? The Aquarium? I’ll be right there.” He hung up as they arrived outside, “Mom was right about getting my license,” he conjured a cloud car and hopped in the driver’s seat, Confidence literally jumping in the passenger seat right as the car took off.
Love Heart arrived at the Aquarium and found Sweet Heart immediately, who ran over and hugged him tightly. “Love Heart! It was scary, Cozy Heart almost drowned during the show and...” she was crying as Love Heart patted his little sister’s head.
“Cozy Heart Penguin?” Confidence was shocked, “But how could she drown?”
“It has to be The Watery Card,” Kero floated down with the Clow Book in his hands and The Jump bounding along to catch up. “It’s one of the four elemental cards.”
Love Heart took the book from Kero and attached it to his vest, “Right, like the Windy Card.”
“Yes, and no,” Kero shook his head, “The Windy is a gentle spirit that doesn’t like hurting people but the other three are very dangerous.”
“So Cozy could have drowned?!” Sweet Heart started to shake.
“Yes, she could have. That’s why we’re here,” Kero turned to the aquarium as The Jump hopped onto Love Heart’s shoulder.
“Right, let’s go to work,” Love Heart walked up to the guards who were at the entrance to the now closed aquarium. “Hi, I’m Love Heart the Cardcaptor.”
“Right, we heard about you. Follow me,” the guard motioned for Love Heart to follow him in.
“Not you,” the other guard moved to stop Confidence from following him.
“Hey!” Confidence bristled and cracked her knuckles, “let me through, I’m helping him!”
Love Heart stopped and turned back, “She’s my partner, I need her help.” The other guard looked back, sighed then stepped aside to let Confidence pass.
“Thank you,” Confidence smiled and caught up to walk alongside him.
They were led to the penguin show tank and stared down into water. “So this is where it happened?” Love Heart already had the sealing staff in hand.
“Yes,” The guard nodded, “Cozy Heart and a bunch of the penguins got sucked into a magic whirlpool, or that’s what I heard.”
“Right,” Love Heart held the staff up over the water.
“You’ll have to trap it, you can’t just seal one of the elements if they don’t want it,” Kero floated up alongside Love Heart.
Love Heart nodded and pulled out a card, “Sword!” he changed the staff in the sword and slashed at the water, cutting a deep valley into the water all the way down to the tank floor. They waited as the water splashed back down and created a huge amount of waves, only for Love Heart’s eyes to go wide.
“It’s not here!” He lowered The Sword.
“What do you mean ‘it’s not here’?” the guard stared at him.
“The Watery Card didn’t stick around,” Kero floated down to the water and poked it, “It must have fled while we were waiting for you to get here.” Kero turned to Love Heart, “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
“Because was I at a movie!” Love Heart’s hackles were raised as he stood in front of his parents back at home. Confidence Heart stood behind him feeling partly ashamed of this.
Sage Heart had his arms folded as he looked down at his son, “It was irresponsible of you to be out of contact when the Clow Cards are out there. You need to take your duties as a Cardcaptor more seriously.”
He was startled when Love Heart exploded back at him, “I am taking this seriously!” He pulled out the six Clow Cards from the book, “Jump, Sword, Fly, Windy, Shadow, Shield! I’ve caught all of them! Yeah I had help but I still caught them before anyone got hurt while I’ve been training for any more that show up! Does being the Cardcaptor mean I’m not allowed to have a life?!” Love Heart was panting as he put the cards back in the book. “I was on a date with Confidence Heart because I like her and she invited me to see a movie. Was I supposed to break her heart because a Clow Card might show up? Does that mean it was wrong to take driving lessons? Because two cards showed up while I was practicing with mom and I still managed to catch them! Should I stop sleeping too just in case one shows up in the middle of the night again?!” He took a deep breath before he continued, much calmer than before, “I’ll track down and capture The Watery Card, but I am not going to act like the whole world is going to fall apart just because I decide to try and be a normal teenager.”
Sage Heart was about to say something about ‘talking back’ when Life Heart put a hand on his shoulder, “He’s right, dear, Love Heart has every right to try and enjoy himself when he doesn’t sense a Clow Card around. I mean do we expect firefighters to sit around even on their days off acting like the world’s going to burst into flames at any moment.”
Sage Heart looked back at her, then to his son who was still staring back at him defiantly and even saw that Confidence Heart had relaxed and started to smile while he had given his speech.
Sage Heart sighed, “You’re right, sorry I’m just not used to this yet. I know you take this seriously I just... if I messed up as a kid I would have gotten the same speech from my parents even if it was just an accident.”
“You’re not in Japan anymore, Sage Heart,” Confidence spoke up, which surprised them, “I know how harsh growing up there was but we don’t spend an extra four hours a day in cram school or be expected to spend all summer doing homework and parents there would be arrested for child abuse here.” When she saw the looks on their faces, Confidence chuckled slightly, “I like anime so I’ve looked at what inspired a lot of the stuff. Can I go now?”
“Yes you can. Love Heart you can walk her home too,” Sage Heart visibly relaxed as they left then watched them go from the front window, “He’s growing up faster than I expected.”
“They all are,” Life Heart hugged him from behind, “and looks like Love Heart is finally over Harmony Bear?” she smiled as she saw Love Heart and Confidence holding hands.
“Thanks for backing me up,” Love Heart said as they crossed through the portal.
“He was kinda harsh, but I do still feel kinda bad for keeping you from that card,” Confidence sighed.
“Don’t worry about it,” Love Heart pumped his free hand as a fist, “I’ll track down The Watery and call you as soon as I know where it is. I don’t think our first date turning into a job would be very considerate.”
“Our first?” Confidence blushed as they reached her front door, “So you want to keep going out?”
“Of course,” Love Heart’s answered as if the opposite would be ridiculous, “I want to keep going out with you, I had fun.”
Confidence smiled as she grabbed the doorknob, “Guess our second date will be on a card capturing job then.”
“Is that really what you want to do on a date?” Love Heart was surprised.
“As long as we both find it fun, even if it’s dangerous,” Confidence opened the door, “See you soon.” She entered and shut the door behind her.
Love Heart smiled then turned around and jumped, “Wahoo!” he strode off back towards home with a huge smile on his face.
Confidence leaned up against the inside door, wagging her tail like she never had before.
“Date go alright, Squirt?” Tori was seated at the dinner table eating some leftovers.
“It went great, and he wants to keep going out,” Confidence sighed and walked past him towards the fridge.
“So my advice was right then, see having a plan is important Squirt,” Tori smirked.
“Stop calling me squirt,” Confidence stuck her tongue out at her older human brother as she pulled out something to eat, she was still smiling and wagging her tail as she headed up to eat in her room, just wanting to be alone with her happy thoughts.
The next day Take Care Bear and Independent Bear were at their secret reading spot in the Forest of Feelings, a square of four fallen logs that Indy had accidentally created when he first arrived in the Kingdom of Caring as a teenaged cub that now served as a place the two of them could get away to and read in peace. It was their preferred way to have a “date” of sorts, just enjoying the peace of nature and each reading something they could enjoy while their adopted daughter Get Well Bear looked after their younger adopted daughter Cautious Heart Cat.
“Hmm?” Indy looked up and around which caused Take Care look up as well.
“Something wrong, babe?” she asked.
“I could swear I heard something,” he shook his head, “Must be my imagination.”
Take Care nodded then went back to her book. A moment later Take Care looked up as she heard what sounded like creaking wood. “OK that time I heard it.”
Indy was on his feet, book closed and left hand on his katana hilt, “Yeah.” The sound didn’t stop as Take Care stood up. Then a large branch grew at startling speed and shot right into the middle of their clearing! Indy drew his sword and sliced the branch off before it could hit them. “Run!” he shouted but made sure Take Care was off running before he followed.
Take Care diverted past Proud Heart home and stopped at her fence, seeing the orange cat with a heart inside a pink star for a tummy symbol watering her garden. “Proud Heart!” the cat turned as Take Care continued, “Get out of here now!”
“Why? What?!” Proud Heart saw the branches growing towards her, her tail frizzed out and she took off, watering can still in hand.
Gentle Heart Lamb was returning to her house when Indy, Take Care and Proud Heart running right at her pursued by rapidly growing tree branches. The green lamb with a heart shaped pillow for a tummy symbol froze and Indy, sensing her fear, grabbed her arm as he ran past as they finally made it out of the Forest of Feelings, watching as the branches slowed to a stop and sprouted leaved right at the edge.
“What was that?” Proud Heart was trying to catch her breath then turned to look at the branches. Oddly instead of the brightly colored plants that normally grew in the forest these looked like ordinary earth plants, possibly some kind of elm or oak tree, with brown bark and green leaves. “Our home... not again...” Proud Heart was having flashbacks to the time Beastly tricked her into flooding the forest and forcing them to move in with the Care Bears when they were about 8-years old.
“I think it’s a Clow Card,” Indy inspected some of the trees up close then stepped back so he could call Love Heart.
Take Care was on her phone texting furiously, which got Gentle Heart’s attention, “Take Care? Is something wrong?”
“Seeing if any other Cousins were in the Forest of Feelings,” She waited on the messages, a little more relieved as each came in, until the last one. “Bright Heart’s still at his workshop with Grumpy Bear, and Loyal Heart didn’t answer!”
“We’ll get them out, I promise,” Indy said as the phone rang.
Love Heart was already halfway into his battle costume when his heartphone rang and he answered, “Hi, Indy. Yeah I sensed the Clow Card already, what is it? Massively growing trees?” he turned to Kero who had floated up closer to listen.
“...and not like our kind, normal earth trees.” Kero caught the end of Indy’s description.
“It sounds like The Wood Card, but that doesn’t make sense,” Kero folded his arms and closed his eyes, “The Wood is usually a very gentle spirit.”
“Right, on our way,” Love Heart hung up and grabbed the last pieces of his battle costume, “Unless something else triggered it. Think The Watery found a new home.” He started texting Confidence to join them.
“That must be it!” Kero pounded one hand into the other, “If The Watery is force feeding water to The Wood then it would grow out of control!”
“Right, Confidence Heart’s on her way. Let’s go!” he pulled the head piece on and was out the front door, chanting on the way.
“Key of Clow Power of Magic Power of Light Surrender the Wand The Force Ignite Release!”
As the staff formed in his hand, Love Heart pulled out a card from the book, “Fly!” he jumped on the winged staff and took off towards the Forest of Feelings.
Confidence Heart arrived right after Love Heart landed and recalled The Fly Card. “Right on time!” she was panting slightly having pushed herself to make sure she didn’t miss this.
Kero took one look at the brown branches and nodded, “That’s definitely The Wood Card and with how much it’s grown The Watery’s gotta be behind this.”
“Yeah,” Love Heart growled slightly, wishing he’d been able to catch The Watery yesterday but shook his head to focus on the now. “Let’s cut out way through, find and seal The Watery then we can deal with The Wood.”
“Umm, won’t that hurt it?” Gentle Heart was still standing nearby, “Can’t you just seal them from out here.”
Kero shook his head, “No, we have to seal them at their source. Even if we could seal The Wood card then Watery would just make it grow again, and The Watery is too powerful to seal without restraining or weakening it first.”
“Alright then,” Confidence cracked her knuckles, “Let’s go!”
“Right,” Love Heart pulled out two more cards, “Jump and Sword!” he shouted as the wings appeared on his boots and the staff transformed.
“I’m coming too,” Indy still had his katana in hand, “I need to make sure Bright, Grumpy and Loyal are all safe in there.”
“Let’s go!” Love Heart charged, slicing through the thick branches with The Sword and jumping through the gap he made with Confidence and Indy right behind him.
“Be safe,” Gentle Heart put her hands together while Take Care gave her a comforting pat on the back.
Love Heart tore through the Forest of Feelings, jumping over and slicing through The Wood’s branches as the others followed right behind him.
“They have to be at the center of this mass,” Kero flew under a low hanging branch, “Once we get there you’ll have to subdue The Watery Card first or it will just keep agitating The Wood.”
“Wait!” Confidence stopped after a jump and perked her ears up, “I think I hear Loyal Heart... that way! She pointed off to her left.
“Right, and Bright Heart’s house is this way,” Indy pointed off to the right.
“Then go save them. I’ll handle The Watery Card myself.” Love Heart was about to jump off when Confidence grabbed his arm.
“Wait! Are you sure about this?” Confidence’s ear drooped slightly.
“I am, make sure they’re safe then try to come find me.” Love Heart smiled then tugged his arm so she would let go, which she did, “I’ll handle it.”
“Alright, good luck both of you,” Indy turned and dashed off towards Bright Heart’s house.
Confidence hugged Love Heart for a moment, “Be safe,” she whispered before she turned and ran towards where she heard Loyal Heart whimpering. Love Heart was blushing as he turned and sliced a new hole to jump through.
Confidence Heart found Loyal Heart literally hanging by the seat of his pants from one of The Wood Card’s branches about two meters up and she couldn’t help but chuckle as she stood beneath him.
“And here I thought dogs couldn’t climb trees.”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Loyal Heart grumbled, “Can you get me down please, I don’t want to land on my head.”
“Alright, just hang out for a moment,” Confidence giggled as she climbed up the nearest tree and got alongside Loyal Heart, “So what happened?”
“Well,” Loyal Heart reached out to grab Confidence’s hand so she could pull him free, “I was at home then I went out for a walk and these branches just shot out of nowhere and caught me by the pants.” He was finally pulled free and Confidence helped him to the ground.
“So why didn’t you answer Take Care’s text?” Confidence hopped to the ground.
“Because my phone is over here,” Loyal Heart climbed over some branches to retrieve his Heartphone, which now had a cracked screen, “Great.”
“Let’s get you out of here, this way,” Confidence motioned for Loyal Heart to follow her out of the Forest.
Love Heart sliced through one last branch and jumped in to a clearing by the rainbow river where the ground was practically carpeted with branches. One particularly large branch was growing next to the rainbow river with a large stream of water flowing up into the air and onto the branch.
Kero pointed at the arch of water and shouted, “That’s it! That’s The Watery Card!” in response to Kero’s shout the top of the water arch rose and formed into the shape of a fearsome mermaid with shark-like teeth and long tresses for hair.
It hissed at Love Heart and charged right at him, forcing Love Heart to jump aside and try to slash at it, only for The Sword to go right through The Watery with no effect.
“You can’t just attack! You have to subdue it!” Kero shouted as Love Heart jumped away from the attacking Watery spirit.
“Right!” he re-sealed The Sword and pulled out another as he landed, “Windy Card, tie up and entrap The Watery! Release!” The Windy spirit emerged and was immediately tackled by The Watery. The two spirits wrestled as their tails intertwined and they rolled over the branches on the forest floor.
“Why can’t The Windy win?” Love Heart watched the two elementals wrestling.
“Each of the four elements is one of the strongest Clow Cards and they’re all equal in power,” Kero stared hard at the pair, “Without an advantage The Windy can’t win.”
“What else can I do?” Love Heart recalled The Jump and stared at the card.
“Remember, you can only use two cards in combination,” Kero said.
“You won’t get the chance!” The Watery shouted and fired a tendril of water at the large root it had been raining on. The branches surrounding them suddenly sprang to life and flew right at Love Heart and Kero.
Love Heart only had time to pull out one card. “Shield!” a transparent dome appeared just in time to block the branches that spilled out sideways after the impact. Love Heart was sweating as he watched the two elemental spirits and his free handed rested on his tummy symbol.
“Watery!” Love Heart shouted from inside The Shield, “Please stop this!”
The Watery managed to pin The Windy underneath it and shouted, “Why should I? So you can stuff me back in the book?”
“I can’t let you hurt anyone else,” Love Heart raised the staff, “Windy, return.”
The Windy was startled but allowed itself to be recalled into its card. The Watery floated up and hovered in front of Love Heart with The Shield and The Wood’s branches between them. “What do you expect me to do, just give up?”
“This forest is my friends’ home. I can’t let you destroy it.” Love Heart kept his voice level. “I’ll fight you if I have to but I’d rather talk this out.”
“Oh really?” The Watery hovered closer and hissed at him, “And how will you beat me?”
“I will, no matter what!” Love Heart tightened his grip on his staff, “You can’t break through The Shield so I have all the time I need to figure out how to stop you.”
“You’re determined. Have you done this with the other cards?” The Watery floated around The Shield’s dome.
“I talked The Windy down and I helped The Fly and it agreed to be sealed,” Love Heart turned to keep facing The Watery. “Are you going to trust me or do we keep fighting?”
The Watery paused and stared Love Heart down. Love Heat stared back, hands on the staff and ready to act.
“I can see it in your eyes, your convictions are strong. Go ahead and try to seal me.”
Love Heart smiled and raised his staff, “Thank you. Watery Card! I command you to return to your power confined! Watery!” There was a whirl of water pulled from The Watery as it was collapsed into its card by flying through The Shield.
“I’m impressed, talking down The Watery Card,” Kero smiled at Love Heart as he wrote his name on The Watery Card.
“Right and now to deal with this,” Love Heart turned to face the center of the wood pile, but Kero flew in front of Love Heart.
Before Love Heart could protest the brown branches filling the forest glowed and into the form of The Wood, a tall woman wearing a dress like tree bark and with branches and leaves for hair. It smiled at Love Heart and then separated into water streams that flowed into its card form that hovered in front of Love Heart.
He took the card and stared at it as Kero spoke, “The Wood card is a very gentle spirit, it was only The Watery agitating it that made it act out.”
“I heard you talk it down,” Independent Bear approached as Love Heart wrote his name on the card. “What was your plan if The Watery didn’t submit?”
“I was waiting for you and Confidence to show up.” Love Heart turned to face Indy, “I knew we could stop it together if we needed to.”
“Not the best plan but at least you’re thinking ahead,” Indy nodded.
“Love Heart!” Confidence ran up to him and skidded to a stop, “Are you alright?”
“Yep, and look,” He held up The Watery and The Wood Cards, “Two more captures.”
“Wish I could have been here to help, we could have made it a double date,” she winked at Love Heart who blushed slightly as he put the cards away.
“Heh, well you said you wouldn’t mind a capturing mission for a date.”
“Maybe,” Confidence giggled.
Indy just sighed and turned to walk home. He was not looking forwards to the cleanup.
This was such a sweet chapter! I love seeing love heart and confident heart go out together it's so cute! I really think they do make a good couple and I'm glad to see them happy with each other. Seeing love heart juggle his personal life with his cardcaptor duty I can tell there's going to be some times ahead but he's handling it like a champ so far and I'm glad he stuck up for himself along with confidence having his back. I can see the hard burden that was placed on him considering that he's the only one that can properly deal with the wild cloud cards. This was another amazing chapter and looking forward to the next one.
This was such a sweet chapter! I love seeing love heart and confident heart go out together it's so