Character Sheet for Cecé
Character Description
Cecé is a pony whose unicorn talents for magic are in a particularly creative genre.
She likes to create things and enjoys bright colours.
She's also very fond of animals and nature.
Cecé isn't shy, as such, but she is a bit of an introverted extrovert - she prefers the company of her special somepony Teatime, and her pony friends Rainbow Juice, Skull Baby. She is also close with a talented pony songwriter named Scrollflitter, and a sweet dragon named Phano.
She's simply my My Little Pony persona! :)
The name 'Cecé' (thanks to Rainbow Juice for inspiration) is a play on the nickname 'CC' - which is once what my old persona Cally Cat was called by many.
White fur, white-blonde mane, blue eyes.
Her cutiemark is a blue star with tiny black hearts surrounding it in a simplistic, mandala-esque pattern.
She usually wears a blue ribbon in her tail.