My protagonist, Karen Bright, and her girlfriend, Mia Chang, are enjoying their first romantic date together. Mia is Karen’s first lover. Mia is naturally submissive, and while Karen is very inexperienced, and a bit nervous, she has agreed to become Mia’s dominant Mistress.
As a public token of their relationship, Karen has just given Mia a special gold chain necklace, with a small but functional heart shaped gold padlock as a pendant. The loose-fitting necklace has a normal clasp at the back, but also has two rings near the clasp, which can be used to lock the necklace in place with a snug fit, with the heart lock in front, and the remaining necklace chain providing a short chain to attach her leash to.
Karen is holding Mia’s new leash, which has Mia’s heart lock’s key attached to it. The relatively short leash has a ring on the handle loop, allowing Karen to wear it like a belt.