True Story: When I was very little, I was a loser. Even back in Kindergarten, I was bookish and shy, and I knew nothing about all these Transformers and My Little Ponies that my classmates loved so much. I also owned a pair of jeans with brightly colored flowers embroidered around the cuffs, which were a hand-me-down from an older cousin and which simply screamed 1970. Which might not have been such a problem if I hadn't been wearing them in 1985. But all I knew was they were my favorite thing in all the world and I was on top of the world when I wore them, no matter how many times I got beat into the ground.
I still have those old flowery pants, tucked carefully away in a box, and you know what? I still think they're just the coolest pants in the world!
I had to wear my sister's pants to school once. I was in kindergarten. I was eating breakfast and spilled cereal and milk all over my pants. My dad just grabbed the first pair he came to in the laundry room and told me to put them on. They had butterflies on the butt. I loved those pants. I couldn't convince my mom to get me some though.
I had to wear my sister's pants to school once. I was in kindergarten. I was eating breakfast and sp
Aw, now those sound like awesome pants! What a shame your mom wouldn't buy you a pair of your own. Thinking about it now, I suppose it's a wonder my parents let me wear the flowery pants, especially since they both grew up in very conservative, and very religious families.
I'd still wear pants like that, if I knew where to get a pair!
Aw, now those sound like awesome pants! What a shame your mom wouldn't buy you a pair of your own. T