October approaches, and with it all the joys of a month of spooks. Grace and I don't really dress up for Halloween - nobody wants to come to the house in the middle of nowhere for trick-or-treat - but we both love the holiday. So this year I got her some cute spider earrings, plus some pumpkin clip-ons for me, and she dressed up all cute for me to show 'em off. There's nothing sweeter than a kiss from your happy girlfriend!
It really is! Kisses from my vixen are always wonderful, and my gosh, she looks so cute in that outfit! It's a great start to Halloween, and Vilani did such an amazing job with this!
It really is! Kisses from my vixen are always wonderful, and my gosh, she looks so cute in that outf
Jesus! Even with the thumbnail for warning my gaydar was not prepared for this level of gay love. I think it sang a few "Y-M-C-A"s before exploding in a cloud of Purple Rain and Elton John's boas.
Jesus! Even with the thumbnail for warning my gaydar was not prepared for this level of gay love. I
With all the gay love that can be found on this site at just about any time, that's quite an accomplishment! I'm all proud now! Grace and I do our best to bring a little gaiety into the world, whenever we can.
With all the gay love that can be found on this site at just about any time, that's quite an accompl
I wish I did more stuff for halloween, but I don't even have decorations or anything. Will have to bring skunklings and friends and throw a great big party with you, give you a reason to dress up~
I love how this one turned out... and... awr... I wish I did more stuff for halloween, but I don't
I really love this one, too. It's so sweet, and just a beautiful picture all around!
Aw, that's a shame. We don't really do much for Halloween, either, except the odd commission like this. Maybe next year, we'll have to see about making it more fun for the three of us.
I really love this one, too. It's so sweet, and just a beautiful picture all around! Aw, that's a s