Just pace yourself and keep hydrated! Should definitely run shirtless too, for perfectly non-pervy, non-eye-candy reasons reasons. It'll help you keep cool!
Just pace yourself and keep hydrated! Should definitely run shirtless too, for perfectly non-pervy,
some sweet endurance and stamina training will do it involes doing the same speed burst but weighed down and running in deep water i got mine up very very fast and long distances now thanks to many years of doing that kind of training it is hard but so very well worth it Mi Amico.
some sweet endurance and stamina training will do it involes doing the same speed burst but weighed
that's very true! cheetahs can only go for short, fast bursts of speed and then need to stop. that's why you have to get in close to your target before charging at them :)
love your new icon btw. what pic is it from?
that's very true! cheetahs can only go for short, fast bursts of speed and then need to stop. that's