hey guys!!! so i told you guys that i bought a onesie and secretly wear it ate nights well i have to be fully honest i dont regret buying it becaus i was actually right in time with it becaus here in belgium fall is early and winter is also close becaus its incredible cold here in the morning or ate nights and my parents refuse to turn on a radiator or stove becaus our crazy politicians think we are as rich as the king it self so any way i have a electric radiator upstairs but i cant honestly not trust it to stay on all night so wearing thes onesie was a good choice i really recommend it :)
haha dude you kill me X3 hey lissen my uncle ganni he wears a onesie and you dont pick a fight with him he is loyal he is sweet he is funny and amazing but he isnt afraid to say what is on his mind and the rest you dont wanne know X3
any way dude onesie are also for adults :) and to answer your question personally i keep it a secret becaus i dont want my parents nothing every detail of me you know this is one of thes things i dont like to show around :3
haha dude you kill me X3 hey lissen my uncle ganni he wears a onesie and you dont pick a fight with
I wear mine a lot. It lets me set my heat to about five degrees cooler so I'm not spending all of my money. In the middle of winter, I sometimes wear two layers of animal pajamas to stay warm and comfy. :)
I wear mine a lot. It lets me set my heat to about five degrees cooler so I'm not spending all of m