Character Sheet for Ayana the Angora
Character Description
A beatiful baddie with a kind heart. She is an anti-hero and is an extreme traditionalist.
Seems like a bitch with all of her flirting, mostly with her enemies. But she actually does it to defeat her enemies without violence. Though if needed, she can get very dangerous with her weakened neurons and raised adrenaline made by Dr. Eggman.
One of her favorite kind of people are kids, the innocence of children is what Ayana loves.
She hardly hates anything.
She was a famous naturalist activist that went trending because of the points she made and her beauty back when she was 12. She gathered hundreds of people to go barefoot everytime she attended the gatherings and made millions of mobians go barefoot in the streets. Her influencing carrier lasted until Berserk kidnapped her.
Her mother and father supported her and her activist journey her whole life. They were killed by Berserk to avoid them finding out where their daughter was.
Ayana is a thin young girl with big size breasts
Her hair color on the 1st and 2nd picture makes it a little hard to understand whats going on with it; her hair color is actually white just like her torso, ears, and the inside of her hands and feet. She had it colored brown in the 3rd pic because thats how Berserk liked it, and then she kept the brown part after the war because she liked it.
Her eyes are different color due to lens
Her shoe size is 37 CM which is 12.5 in Mobian size
1st picture is a red oversized sweatshirt
3rd picture are bikini-like cloth