Based on the aftermath of episode where all the world's music is stolen/broken/lost ("Play it Again, Wufgang!"), so we have to fashion our own.
Mr. Izambard the Narrator is truly showing his age, here... and lack of ability to get down with his bad self. A very shoddy, upper middle class Brit hash of a super 1970's funk classic. For shame!
"Bobol bach!" is basically the equivalent of "Good Grief!" although it has no direct translation.
Fun canon quote from our little Penfold from "Danger Mouse Declassified" -
Penfold: Girls don't respect him like they do me. Wherever we go they throw their stockings, knickers and garterbelts at him! How embarrassing! Me they respect enough to leave alone. =D
Oh, Penfold...
Mr Izambard, Colonel K, Danger Mouse and Penfold @ Cosgrove Hall