So someone is remastering Banned From Equestria. He plans to reanimate all of the scenes with his art style, he is making a classic mode and a new version with new scenes, new characters, new items, new everything basically. Sounds like a ton of work honestly, but I can’t wait for that to happen. It’s honestly crazy to me that a banned from Equestria remake hasn’t been made already, or at least some sort of sequel from fans.
Anyways, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with the picture above. Well I was talking to that person and they said they needed a background artist, so I spent a few hours doing this. I’m assuming they didn’t like the quality of my art because they have not replied to me after I sent it lol. It’s been like two months since I created this and I have gotten a lot better since then but I thought I’d post it anyway because it is kind of funny.