Greetings. You may know me as Side Beta ... or you may not know me at all. Curiously enough, you're taking the time of your life reading this, so allow me. I've decided for once to step away from the modern look an delve into the fantasy of a medieval world of magic and discovery, where one may dream of adventure, fame and power. This is not the kind of person that you're looking at today.
In a world of wonders, I simple want to delve into its secrets, its feelings, its stories. Page by page and books by books, away from danger and violence, but close to them and close to you, in thoughts.
Everybody want to be understood. Everybody wishes someone would sit down and listen, understand and feel. I hope someday, I'll get to meet you. You can tell me about your stories. I will listen and share all the things you're curious about. Stick around. We will meet again someday, in ways you may not expect. It matters to me. You matter to me. You took the time to read this far, you most deserve it friend. Until next we meet.