It was a cool September morning as a young female Scraggy, named Zero, woke up for the day. She yawned and sat up in bed as she looked out the window. It was a perfect day to get out and get some good cardio in, She thought to himself. She smiled and tossed the covers off of himself and got out of bed before walking over to her mirror. She smiled as she stood there and admired her body for a few minutes. The Scraggy had always prided herself in how well she had maintained her body. She wasn’t overly muscular, but she was thin and trim, a perfect specimen of health. Or so she thought anyway. She was a very stark contrast to her roommate, an obese, heavy set Lucario named Eli. He was easily 400 pounds, with thick fat folds hanging over his thick waist and thighs, flabby arms and thick thighs. The complete opposite of Zero.
Zero nodded to herself as she headed out to the kitchen for her morning protein shake. As she walked in, she was greeted by Eli making breakfast for himself. A typical over cooking affair as he had multiple pans and griddles going all at once. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and more. Eli hummed to himself as he moved back and forth from stove to griddle, tossing and turning various things, plating others, food piling up by the second. Zero rolled her eyes as she went to the fridge for milk.
“Making another feast for yourself I see,” Zero said, taking the milk out. She then reached under the counter to pull out his shake powder. “Honestly, I don’t know how you can eat that much.”
“I just love cooking,” Eli said, lifting up a pancake and flipping it through the air onto a plate. “And what’s the point in making food if you can’t enjoy it.”
“I mean….I can’t argue with you there, but off of this does seem very unhealthy. I mean, look at all this, it has to be at least….2000 calories? That should be your daily allowance, not your breakfast,” Zero said, as she mixed together her shake.
“Well it makes me happy,” Eli said, taking a couple plates over to the table.
“I’m just saying, you could be a little healthier. Eat less, exercise a little more,” Zero said, taking several big gulps of her shake. Eli frowned and looked at Zero in annoyance.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to have a good filling meal now and then. I mean look at yourself,” Eli said, poking at Zero’s chest, “I could play xylophone on these ribs.”
“Hey, I take good care of myself,” Zero said, gently smacking Eli’s hand away. She then looked at his smartwatch and nodded. “I have to go. Need to get my run in before work.” She then chugged down the last of her Shake before tossing the tumbler in the sink and heading out. Eli Huffed as he flopped down in his chair and started to plate up his breakfast.
“Call me unhealthy. We’ll see who’s unhealthy,” He said as he shoveled food into his mouth. He huffed and kept eating, pulling out his phone. He browsed through his messages and emails for a while, even looking through his junk mail. He soon came across a weird one that caught his eye. It was all about hypnosis and mental retraining. Eli looked at it in confusion, wondering why someone would make something like that. On a whim, he tapped the link in the email and was taken to the sellers website. The site itself actually looked very professional. Well made, no broken english or annoying pop ups about “Virus infections”. Eli honestly began to wonder why it was put in the junk folder to begin with. He then decided to look further, checking out what they had.
The site had a wide variety of hypnosis files, from silly things like acting like a chicken to more kinky things like ABDL potty detraining. Eli wasn’t concerned with any of that though, he wanted to teach Zero a little lesson. He thought for a second and typed “fat” and “Weight gain” into the search bar. A few options came up, and after a quick browse and 10 dollars later, he had the perfect file. Eli then went about setting up a small bluetooth speaker in Zero’s room. After making sure that the sound could only be barely heard, he waited for Zero to get home from her job. In the meantime, he started making a healthy dinner for him, hopefully the last one she would have. As Zero walked in, Eli greeted her with a hug.
“Hey, listen. I just wanted to apologize for this morning. You were just trying to help me get healthy, and I was being an ass. As an apology, I made dinner,” He said motioning to the table. On the table was a Fresh tossed salad, with tomatoes, carrots, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Next to it was marinated grilled chicken breast, side of asparagus, and Multigrain biscuits. Zero Looked at the spread and blushed a little.
“YOu made all this for me,” She asked. Eli nodded and motioned again for him to sit down and eat. Zero smiled as he sat down to enjoy. She looked at Eli, expecting him to join her. Eli shook his head in a no.
“I already had a pizza earlier. You enjoy it,” He said, smiling and walking away. He smiled as he saw Zero buy it. What Zero didn’t know was that during the day Eli had gone and gotten some special “Diet” pills, designed to help people gain weight, by slowing their metabolism. He had then crushed and ground some up, mixing them into the Salad and the chicken marinade. This was step two of his revenge plan, Now he just had to wait.
That night, Eli waited for Zero to head to bed before he pulled out his phone and connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker. He then loaded up the hypnosis file and let it play. A very gentle droning began to play from the speaker, playing its slow building hypnotic suggestion. The file was written to slowly promote laziness and overeating. It told her how much better her life would be if She just stopped exercising. How good the food tasted. It encouraged her to eat lots of fatty fried food, pizza, and sugary foods like donuts and ice cream. It also slowly trained her that it was all his idea. It continued all throughout the night while Zero slept.
In the morning, Eli woke up first and turned off the file before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. He made a similar meal as the day before, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, pancakes, Toast, and Oatmeal. He waited for Zero to come down as he started eating. Zero soon came down, rubbing his head as he yawned loudly.
“Ugh, morning,” Zero said, pulling out a chair and sitting down.
“Good morning. You don’t look too good This morning,” Eli said, taking a bite of pancake.
“I’ll be alright. Just didn’t get a lot of sleep. I had the weirdest dream about wanting to be fat and just eating everything in sight,” Zero said, grabbing a plate and starting to put food on it. She didn’t grab a lot, a couple pancakes, strip of bacon, and a spoonful of eggs. Eli watched and tried to hide a smile. They both continued eating until Zero’s smart watch went off. She looked over at it and sighed.
“Damn, I missed my workout for today. Guess I’ll just have to make it up tonight,” Zero said. She then shoved the last spoonful of eggs in her mouth before getting up and going to get dressed. Eli watched in amusement as he kept eating. He then watched as Zero rushed up the door in her work uniform. He nodded and took another bite of eggs, chuckling to himself.
For Zero, her day went fairly normal. Helping customers, filling orders, the usual day job. Soon enough, lunch came around and he headed out down the street. Typically, she would go to a special vegan place just down the street, but for some reason she didn’t really feel like a bowl of soybeans and asparagus. She instead went to the local Burger joint. She still wasn’t very hungry. So he only got a single patty burger, a small fry, and a Small Shake. She did think it was a little weird that she would want something so fatty and unhealthy, but she figured she would just work harder tonight. The rest of the day went off without a hitch, but she did drink several cans of soda as she worked.
When Zero got back home again, Eli had once again made dinner. Still chicken, but no salad and only mashed potatoes and Peas. Zero just shrugged as she was too tired to argue and knew that Eli must have been busy as well. The pair ate quietly as they both talked about their day. Zero then looked at his watch and headed up to his room to try and get in his work out. She found himself only running for 30 minutes instead of her usual hour. She figured that she was just tired and would get it in tomorrow. That night Eli ran the hypno file again, helping to further bring her closer to the chub Eli wanted.
Over the next week, Eli continued to Run the file and use the “Diet” pills on Zeros food. Eli continued to cook for Zero, watching as she started to eat bigger and bigger meals. Her breakfasts went from a few items on one plate, to multiple plates and bowls of everything. Zero’s lunches also changed as well, no longer having Salads and water, but triple back cheese burgers, sans veggies, with a large chocolate shake and an extra large soda. Zero also began to exercise less. Her workouts went from Morning two mile runs to ten minutes on the treadmill. It took a few days for Zero to notice something was off, but she figured it was just stress at work. She was a little concerned as he stepped on the scale, her former weight of a healthy 165 up to 185 now. At breakfast one morning, she looked over at Eli and asked if she seemed different to him.
“Different? What do you mean,” Eli asked, taking a bite of food.
“You know, do I look different? Do I act differently? I feel like I've gained weight over the last week,” Zero said, looking down at her plate.
“I’m sure it’s nothing. You’ve been pushing yourself hard for too long. Just relax, it’s alright if you gain a few pounds,” Eli said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.
“Yeah….I guess you’re right. I have been a bit of a health nut for a long time,” Zero said, taking a huge bite of food.
Eli smiled and nodded as he continued eating, knowing that his plan was working. He then continued to ramp up his plans, making more fatty and sugary meals and ordering pizza and fast food more. He also changed the Hypno audio file. This one was all about the joys of eating and how it felt so good to feel the hot grease and cream slide down his throat. Once Eli started that, Zero was set to grow larger and larger. Her daily meals went from less than 1000 calories, to over 5000 a day. Meals of meat lover pizzas, 3 quadruple bacon cheese burgers with extra large fries and three chocolate shakes, buffalo hot wings with blue cheese and fried mozzarella cheese sticks.
Eli watched as Zero slowly gained weight. Her body becoming rounder and fuller, with folds of fat forming. Her arms rounded out as stretch marks slowly appeared. Her personality slowly started to change too. Before, Zero was clean and tidy when he ate. Now, she was shoving food in his mouth, taking huge bites of food and burping loudly while wiping her mouth with her hand. By the end of the first month, she had gone from her new 185 to a hefty 365, and things weren’t set to slow down. At one point during a dinner of Pizza and wings, Zero looked over her widening body.
“Eli? I feel like I'm getting fat,” She said, blushing bright red.
“What? You’re not fat. You’re just pleasantly plump,” Eli said smiling. He then leaned over and gave Zero a gentle kiss on the lips.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Zero said, Kissing back. She then shoved another slice of pizza into her mouth and swallowed it down before letting out a huge burp.
Zero slowly continued to grow. His body and mind now permanently altered by hypnosis and the pills. Before long, She was too heavy to even get out of her bed, A hefty 450lbs. At this point, she simply gave in and let Eli take care of her. Eli was more than happy to, bringing in all the fatty foods and sugary drinks that Zero could stomach. As well as cleaning up his ever chubbining hubby.
After 3 months, Zero was nearly unrecognizable outside of his colors and her face. With her continued weight gain, Eli had moved her down to the living room in fear she might fall through the floor. This had been the only “exercise” Zero had gotten in 2 months. By the time she got to 1000lbs, Zero was just an amorphous fat blob of a pokemon. Her legs, long since buried by the numerous fat rolls pouring off of her body. Her arms just round fat filled logs, only good for shoveling food into her mouth. She simply laid around all day, eating, burping, and watching tv, having long since quit her job. This wasn’t too much of an issue as Eli made enough to support both of their fat filled diets.
Eli loved how well everything had worked. He was finally happy with his roommate, turned fat bodied lover. They would spend their nights together, Eli laying on Zero’s fat rolls and cuddling as they both munched on cold pizza. One night, Eli looked up at Zero and gently caressed her fat filled face.
“You know. I really love the man you’ve become. The full bodied, fat blob of a man,” Eli said, rubbing a piece of crust against Zero’s lips.
“Hehe, i’m *URRRRP* glad. It was such a hassle to keep up with all that running and those protein drinks. I felt like *URRP* this is what I was meant to be all along,” She said, letting out several belches before biting the pizza crust.
“Glad to hear that,” Eli said, smiling and giving him a gentle kiss. He then smiled and rested his head on her belly. He purred and rubbed it gently as the pair continued to watch tv together, happy with their new lives.