sonic's 2 extra head voices, terios was created by usage of negative chaos energy by an ancester of him, being passed dow throught generations dow to him and feeding on the way sonic used the caos emmeralds frecuently to grow bigger and leave his unconsious mind to get into his consious mind wich he shared alreddy with echo(eco) an entity hidden on the chaos emmeralds made out of positive chaos ennergy made to whither out the chaos emmerald's users quicker so noone keeps them for too long getting to a point of suicide or simply abbandoning the jewels, on sonic's case how ever it has stayed really neutral, allowing him to use them while still residing on his head. none of them posses a fisical form so they use as a base the body of their hosts.
they are responsible of the forms of super sonic and dark sonic
2 years, 6 months ago
09 Sep 2022 05:46 CEST
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