He was found dead of an accidental drug overdose of meth and alcohol. I am gutted and in shock. That is not him. It makes no sense at all, but he kept a secret life from me it turns out.
Our home and car was only in his name, and we were not yet married so I have no claim to anything. I worked for him so I am also without a job.
I am hanging on. Friends are with me 24/7 and giving me a place to stay.
Please send hugs.
If you are able to donate, my PayPal is grrrwolf6d9@yahoo.com
My friend is also running an auction on Twitter to help raise funds. It is for a puppy play hood. Please retweet and share. It ends 9/09 at 3:50 PM Pacific Time
The outpouring of love and support has been overwhelming. Thank you with all that I am.
I promise I will not do anything to put myself in harm. I will not stop drawing as I know he did not mean to do this to us and would want me to keep on creating. I will just need a lot of time to find my footing.
I know I could just give up and pull away from everyone, or I can take steps forward, know that I am stronger that I think I am, and keep his memory alive.
Pegalis? That can't be him!! Like you I am in shock, I certainly did not know him but by all the nice comments he often left me he did not look like doing that...... I am deeply sorry for his family and yourself my dear friend, deeply sorry...
Pegalis? That can't be him!! Like you I am in shock, I certainly did not know him but by all the nic
Thank you so much dear friend. Everyone has been in absolute shock over this. Looking back I can sort of see it now if I squint, but it's all been indescribably horrific. I'm taking things one day at a time, and thankfully I have friends with me every day to help me with emotional support, sort through the house, and help me through this. Our lives were so intertwined, but I'm trying to be as strong and brave as I can. *massive hugs* Thank you so much for everything. I'm not going to give up, and I'm not going to stop drawing either.
Thank you so much dear friend. Everyone has been in absolute shock over this. Looking back I can sor