If your refering to the first Pic which is Santa Lan, the answer is sort of XD . My frined was looking for a Killa Kan Modle to 3D Print when he came across this abd I was like, yes please n_n <3 !
If your refering to the first Pic which is Santa Lan, the answer is sort of XD . My frined was looki
Not well XP . I've been focussing on getting the War Trukk together, since our first game is this comeing Saturday. I'm gonna work on em more today though.
Not well XP . I've been focussing on getting the War Trukk together, since our first game is this co
Nope, and there's actually Five of us XD . Me as the Orks, my friend who made these as the Space Marines, his wife and my other Friend as the Necrons and my other friend either Space Marines of Chaos Space Marines I can't remember XD .
Nope, and there's actually Five of us XD . Me as the Orks, my friend who made these as the Space Mar