That is an incredibly cute take on an old bit of mythology. The pose is wonderfully evocative in its position. Love the way the hands hold the batons. The positions of the fingers look very natural as does the rest of the body structure. Another fine piece of work to hang in the gallery. Well done!
That is an incredibly cute take on an old bit of mythology. The pose is wonderfully evocative in it
aw, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! i'm really happy you like it :'> most of the design was the commissioner's idea, i'm glad i got to draw such a cool and unique charcter :>
aw, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! i'm really happy you like it :'> most of the desig
You say most of the design was my idea, but all I did was basically add a belly tattoo and thought of an outfit/background for her. The rest was all you for making her before I adopted her. =o
You say most of the design was my idea, but all I did was basically add a belly tattoo and thought o