Somewhere out there In another world In another life A young hybrid boy is on his way home after school... or atleast seemingly so. There's a bit of nervousness to his gait as he squeezes throught eh hustle and bustle of the city. The streets are lined with dingy buildings, makeshift scrap homes, street vendors, heavy traffic, and ofcourse loads of people. St. Luz while no less a tropical island is far more urbanized and modern. It's not to say that it's an classier thant he other islands. In fact, if anything it's urban development has left its cities overcrowded, polluted, and poorly maintained. Compounding all that is the fact that it's still as hot if not even hotter than most of the islands. And when St. Luz isn't broiling in the heat, it's ravaged by storms and floods.
The little box cub walks by seemingly on a slightly different path to his normal commute. And while he seems a bit nervous and unsure of himself as he heads off to parts of town he's far less familiar with, he seems happy. One could even say he seems excited. Perhaps he's off to see someone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So me and
have been doing a little world building project (really little is understating it) and this is now more or less the main setting for Danny. I'm gonna be posting more of this setting soon... o-on the other account ofcourse where things are gonna get REAL FUN